Physical Sciences Informatics Images and VideosPopular TagsJames Webb Space Telescope - MISCJames Webb Space Telescope – Engineering imagesJames Webb Space TelescopeJames Webb Space Telescope - PeopleJames Webb Space Telescope - Science imagesEarth Observatory Image of the DayJames Webb Space Telescope - OutreachHubble Space TelescopeEarth ObserverImages of human insulin crystals grown in 1-g (left) and microgravity (right). Crystals grown in microgravity are larger and of... The Ring-Sheared Drop (RSD) experiment, conducted in the Microgravity Glovebox on ISS, helps scientists learn more about Alzheimer's & Dementia...3D volume view of representative 1, 2, or 3-day P. aeruginosa PA14 biofilms grown on Earth’s gravity and microgravity for...On Earth, gravity-driven buoyant convection causes a candle flame to be teardrop-shaped and carries soot to the flame's tip, which...1-g and micro-g droplet combustionThe Observation and Analysis of Smectic Islands in Space (OASIS) experiment examines the behavior of liquid crystals in microgravity. Specifically...Astronaut Dan Tani took this photograph of the BCAT-3 Sample Module using his own design for a ceiling mount in...Liquid heated to boiling point in 1-g, generating vapor bubbles that rise. Right: Liquid heated to boiling point in microgravity,...Two Phase Flow - 1g vs Microgravity results Low U (Velocity): CHF in horizontal 1g flow is associated with appreciable stratification resulting from strong buoyancy and weak inertia. Low U (Velocity): CHF in microgravity at drastically different in interfacial structure compared to 1g. High U (Velocity): CHF in horizontal 1g flow is no longer stratified as strong inertia dwarfs buoyancy. High U (Velocity): Similar CHF interfacial behavior observed in both microgravity and 1g.Image on left is CFE Vane Gap -1 vessel at 45° vane angle in Earth gravity, 1-g. Image on right... This is a video clip of the Capillary Flow Experiment, Vane Gap -1 vessel at 45° vane angle in microgravity,... Pool Boiling Experiment: Ground vs MicrogravityAstronaut Sunita L. Williams, Expedition 15 flight engineer, performs one of multiple tests of the Capillary Flow Experiment (CFE) investigation...This series of graphs show the changing density of a cloud of atoms as it is cooled to lower and...Inside CAL, lasers and magnetic traps are used to slow atoms down until they are almost motionless. The atoms can...Calcium hydroxide (Calcium hydroxide (CH, portlandite) crystals seen in the fractured cross section of C3S pastes solidified in 1g and...Microscopy 1-g and microgravity comparison of dendritic growth in a sample of Al- 7wt% Si from the MICAST/CSS experiment.Evolution of liquid phase sintered microstructures in Earth-gravity (1g) and microgravity (μg) conditions.Comparison of porosity distribution in cement as a function of Earth-gravity (1g), Lunar-gravity (0.17g), and microgravity (μg) conditions.Difference in dendritic tip radius and dendritic arm spacing captured during solidification of organic material in µg and 1g environments.Microgravity samples have similar W distribution to as as-cast samples but much more porosity. Samples processed in 1g have the...