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Senior Review 2023

Executive Summary

During April and May of 2023, the 2023 Heliophysics Senior Review (SR) Panel reviewed 12 operating missions with the NASA Heliophysics Systems Observatory (HSO) fleet. The following 13 missions were invited to submit an Extended Mission proposal: AIM, GOLD, Hinode, IBEX, ICON, IRIS, MMS, New Horizons, SDO, STEREO, THEMIS, TIMED, and Voyager. New Horizons did not respond to the call. After submission of proposals but before the SR panel meeting, ICON and AIM suffered technical failures/anomalies. The panel was instructed by the Heliophysics Division (HPD) to evaluate these two missions according to a subset of criteria (Criteria A: Factor A-1, and Criteria C: Factor C-1) in order to inform end-of-mission reviews and milestones. All of the HSO missions operating in their extended mission phases contribute valuable observations. These missions continue to make discoveries and significant progress while addressing their compelling science investigations.

Download the full report:

2023 Heliophysics Senior Review Report