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Logic Models guiding the SciAct program

SciAct Logic Models Introduction

The SciAct Logic Model was originally developed in 2021 during the first year of the portfolio evaluation. This model is visual in nature and was created to show the complex relationship between portfolio level outcomes and project level outcomes in the context of the collective impact model1. This model included a corresponding legend which detailed the various program components including inputs, activities, outputs, and both the mid-level and top-level objectives. This model also included a series of constructs being utilized by projects to operationalize the mid-level objectives.

The SciAct Logic Model was updated in 2024 during the fourth year of the portfolio evaluation. The revised model includes the 2021 visual model accompanied by a more traditionally formatted logic model presenting the program inputs, activities, outputs, mid- and top-level objectives from left to right. The content varies slightly from the first version as the SciAct program has evolved and gained more clarity over the last three years. In this model, portfolio level elements are visualized in red text and project level elements are visualized in blue text. Collective impact elements are aligned to the logic model, visualized in light gray text.

A visual infographic titled "NASA Science Mission Directorate: Science Activation Program, Logic Model" outlines the SciAct program using the Collective Impact model. It includes a circular flowchart linking inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impact. The right side lists NASA assets, project activities, learner engagement goals, and program impact. Color-coded elements highlight portfolio, audience, and collective impact components. The NASA logo and partner branding appear at the bottom.

1 Kania, John, and Mark Kramer. "Collective Impact." Stanford Social Innovation Review 9, no. 1 (Winter 2011): 36–41.