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My NASA Data: Over 1 Million Digital Engagements in 2023

The My NASA Data (MND) project supports grades 3-12 students and teachers across the globe in analyzing and interpreting NASA mission data. MND provides student and teacher materials, including teacher-facing lesson plans, student-facing lessons and interactives, and NASA data via an easy-to-access interface.

In the 2023 fiscal year, My NASA Data digital resources were engaged with more than one million times (1,087,759), including pageviews (585,340), story map views (113,859), and maps loaded via the MND data visualization interface (388,560), the Earth System Data Explorer. Congratulations to the MND project team for making these incredible resources available to connect students, teachers, and the public with NASA data in meaningful ways.

"Reaching a million digital impressions is a great accomplishment for MND and shows the sustaining approach the team has taken." ~ Kevin Czajkowski, Principal Investigator

Learn more about My NASA Data and available resources:

My NASA Data is part of the Global Learning & Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Mission Earth project, which is supported by NASA under cooperative agreement award number NNX16AC54A and is part of NASA’s Science Activation Portfolio.

Screenshot of the My NASA Data website landing page. It has an Earth showing the earth systems (atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere) and a list of resources on the page.
The landing page of the My NASA Data website.