South Pole-Aitken Basin Sample Return and eXploration (SPARX) Science Definition Team (SDT)
The most recent planetary science decadal survey, Origins, Worlds, and Life: A Decadal Strategy for Planetary Science and Astrobiology 2023-2032 (OWL), identified a mission to explore and return samples from strategic locations across the Moon’s South Pole-Aitken Basin (SPA), the largest and oldest impact basin on the lunar surface, as the highest priority strategic mission for NASA’s Lunar Discovery and Exploration Program.
In response to the OWL recommendation, the SPARX SDT provides an analysis to SMD’s Deputy Associate Administrator for Exploration (DAAX) on prioritized science objectives and requirements and different implementation approaches for an SPA sample return and exploration mission, as well as outline a variety of strawman science instruments that fully address the SDT-defined science objectives. The SDT’s analyses will be used by NASA to inform decisions on the prioritized science goals and implementation of a near-term SPA Sample Return and Exploration mission, including through both human and/or robotic implementation paths.
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Lauren Jozwiak | Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | Chair |
Caleb Fassett | Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | Committee Member |
Daniel Moriarty | University of Maryland/Goddard Space Flight Center | Committee Member |
Lena Heffern | University of Colorado Boulder | Committee Member |
Stephen Elardo | University of Florida | Committee Member |
Saira Hamid | Arizona State University | Committee Member |
Robert Citron | Southwest Research Institute | Committee Member |
Kevin Righter | University of Rochester | Committee Member |
Peter James | Baylor University | Committee Member |
Jennifer Whitten | Smithsonian Institution | Committee Member |
Abigail Fraeman | NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory | Committee Member |
Natalie Curran | Catholic University of America/NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center | Committee Member |
Zoe Wilbur | Smithsonian Institution | Documentarian |
Hunter Vannier | Purdue University | Documentarian |
Tomokatsu Morota | University of Tokyo | JAXA Rep - Prime |
Hiroshi Nagaoka | Ritsumeikan University | JAXA Rep - Alternate |
Caroline-Emmanuel Morisset | Canadian Space Agency | CSA Rep - Primary |
Patrick Hill | Canadian Space Agency | CSA Rep - Alternate |
Francesca McDonald | European Space Agency | ESA Rep - Primary |
James Carpenter | European Space Agency | ESA Rep - Alternate |
James Keane | NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory | Ex-Officio/JPL Technical Team Science Liason |
Mark Lewis | NASA’s Kennedy Space Center | Ex-Officio/ESDMD Rep |
Ryan Watkins | NASA Headquarters | Ex-Officio/NASA HQ SDT Lead |
Debra Needham | NASA Headquarters | Ex-Officio/NASA HQ Rep |