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This report was requested by NASA and the National Science Foundation (NSF) to review the status of planetary science in the United States and to develop a comprehensive strategy that will continue these advances in the coming decade.

Drawing on extensive interactions with the broad planetary science community, the report presents a decadal program of science and exploration with the potential to yield revolutionary new discoveries. The program will achieve long-standing scientific goals with a suite of new missions across the solar system. It will provide fundamental new scientific knowledge, engage a broad segment of the planetary science community, and have wide appeal for the general public whose support enables the program.

Vision and Voyages report

The 2013 Decadal Survey provides an outstanding science program for the next decade building on our strong foundation of success in planetary science.

The following links contain background and information about the survey and its impact on future space exploration.The map and chart on the right shows the date and locations of Town Hall discussions about the survey.


Download: Vision and Voyages for Planetary Science in the Decade 2013-2022 - a report of the National Research Council

White Papers & Mission Studies

Other Documents

NASA Leadership Views

Download: NASA Planetary Science Division Response to the Planetary Decadal Survey (PDF, 875 KB) - Official NASA response (7/29/2011)

What is the Decadal Survey?

The National Research Council (NRC) conducts studies that provide a science community consensus on key questions posed by NASA and other U.S. Government agencies. The broadest of these studies in NASA's areas of research are decadal surveys. As the name implies, NASA and its partners ask the NRC once each decade to look out ten or more years into the future and prioritize research areas, observations, and notional missions to make those observations.


Steven Squyres, Chair
Cornell University
Jane Luu
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology Lincoln Laboratory
Larry Soderblom, Vice Chair
U.S. Geological Survey
Stephen Mackwell
Lunar and Planetary Institute
Wendy M. Calvin
University of Nevada, Reno
Ralph L. McNutt, Jr.
Johns Hopkins University Applied
Physics Laboratory
Dale Cruikshank
NASA Ames Research Center
Harry Y. McSween, Jr.
University of Tennessee,
Pascale Ehrenfreund
George Washington University
George A. Paulikas
The Aerospace Corporation
G. Scott Hubbard
Stanford University
Amy Simon-Miller
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Margaret G. Kivelson
University of California, Los Angeles
David Stevenson
California Institute of Technology
B. Gentry Lee
NASA's Jet Propulsion
A. Thomas Young
Lockheed Martin Corporation
David H. Smith
Study Director
Rodney Howard
Senior Program Assistant
Dwayne Day
Program Officer
Dionna Williams
Program Associate
Abigail Sheffer
Associate Program Officer
Lewis Groswald
Research Associate
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