2 min read
Amendment 26: Final Text Released for Commercial Smallsat Data Analysis
Commercial Smallsat Data Analysis (program element A.42 of ROSES-2020) is to further the analysis of commercially-produced satellite data obtained by NASA as part of the Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition Program (CSDAP) and/or through other agreements that allow access to data obtained from commercial sources. CSDAP’s primary goal is to identify, evaluate, acquire and make data from commercial sources available to the Earth science research and application communities. NASA’s Earth Science Division recognizes that commercial data may augment or complement existing data to advancing Earth System Science and applications development for societal benefit. This solicitation provides short term resources for analyses of commercial satellite data from Planet, Spire Global, Maxar (formerly DigitalGlobe, Inc.) and Teledyne Brown Inc., DLR Earth Sensing Imaging Spectrometer (DESIS).
ROSES-2020 Amendment 26 releases final text for A.42 Commercial Smallsat Data Analysis, which was previously listed as TBD under the name “Commercial SmallSat Data Evaluation Team”. Mandatory Notices of Intent are due July 1, 2020 and 5-page proposals are due September 1, 2020.
On or about June 1, 2020, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2020” (NNH20ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at http://solicitation.nasaprs.com/ROSES2020.
Questions concerning A.42 Commercial Smallsat Data Analysis may be directed to Kathy Hibbard and Alfreda Hall, who may be reached at Kathleen.A.Hibbard@nasa.gov and alfreda.a.hall@nasa.gov, respectively.