2 min read
Amendment 48: Revised Text and New Phase-1 Proposal Due Date for D.11 NICER Guest Observer Cycle 3
The Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) is an X-ray experiment on the International Space Station dedicated to high-resolution timing and spectroscopy of neutron stars and other rapidly variable X-ray sources in the 0.2-12 keV band. Through D.11 NICER Guest Observer Cycle 3 proposers also have the opportunity to request coordinated NuSTAR observations of their proposed NICER targets. A total of up to 400 ks of NuSTAR observing time is available within this Cycle.
Proposals will be submitted in two stages, with Phase-1 focusing on the science goals and observation parameters. Selected Phase-1 proposers will be invited to submit a budget for Phase 2. Proposers may request, and must justify, an exclusive-use period of up to 6 months for GO data in this Cycle; by default, data will be subject to the existing NICER data-release policy (validated data are made available in the public HEASARC archive within two weeks of acquisition), with no exclusive-use period.
ROSES-2020 Amendment 48 releases revised text and delays the phase-1 due date for this program element. Phase-1 proposals are now due by 4:30pm Eastern Time November 17, 2020 (via ARK/RPS).
On or about August 17, 2020, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2020” (NNH20ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at http://solicitation.nasaprs.com/ROSES2020
Technical questions concerning this program element may be directed to Keith Gendreau at Keith.C.Gendreau@nasa.gov. Programmatic information may be obtained from Daniel Evans at Daniel.A.Evans@nasa.gov.