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DVD Installed

DVD Installed
December 17, 2004
  • english

In KSC's Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility, JPL technician Dan Maynard inserts
the DVD into a shallow cavity between two pieces of aluminum designed to protect it from micrometeoroid impacts. The package is
mounted to the side of the two-story-tall Cassini spacecraft beneath a pallet carrying cameras and other space instruments that will be used to study the Saturnian
system. A specially designed, multicolored patch of thermal blanket material covers the disk package. Along with the spacecraft, the disk will
reside in Saturn's orbit centuries after the primary mission is completed in July 2008.

Cassini is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Calif., manages the Cassini mission for NASA's Office of Space
Science, Washington, D.C.