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Against a black background, five golden-gray moons of varying sizes are scattered along a horizontal band through the image. Sunlight illuminates them from the left, and their right sides are in shadow. The largest, at far right, takes up the middle third of the photo, fully sunlit, with its dark half cut off by the right edge of the frame. The rings of Saturn, seen nearly edge-on, pierce the image like a knife blade from center-right, emerging through the largest moon, and with the smallest moon resting atop the blade like a breadcrumb.

Saturn Moons

The Saturn system teems with natural satellites, from planet-sized Titan to small oddballs, shaped like potatoes or ravioli.

Saturn has 146 moons in its orbit, more than any other planet. The moons range in size from larger than the planet Mercury – the giant moon Titan – to as small as a sports arena. The small moon Enceladus has a global ocean under a thick, icy shell. Scientists have identified both moons as high-priority science destinations for future deep space missions.

Saturn's moons shape, contribute to, and also collect material from Saturn's rings and magnetosphere.

Featured Moons

The icy white surface of a moon in space is completely covered in wrinkles, folds, and fractures, some appearing bluish in color.





Image of Saturn moon, Epimetheus, taken by the Cassini spacecraft.




Small moon with giant crater on top.



Known Natural Satellites of Saturn

IAU NumberIAU NameProvisional DesignationYear DiscoveredDiscoverer(s) / SpacecraftReferences
IMimas1789W. HerschelIAU WGPSN
IIEnceladus1789W. HerschelIAU WGPSN
IIITethys1684G.D. CassiniIAU WGPSN
IVDione1684G.D. CassiniIAU WGPSN
VRhea1672G.D. CassiniIAU WGPSN
VITitan1655C. HuygensIAU WGPSN
VIIHyperion1848W.C Bond, G.P. Bond, W. LassellIAU WGPSN
VIIIIapetus1671G.D. CassiniIAU WGPSN
IXPhoebe1898W.H. PickeringIAU WGPSN
XJanusS/1980 S11966, 1980A. Dollfus (1966), D. Pascu (1980)IAU WGPSN
XIEpimetheusS/1980 S31977, 1980J. Fountain, S. Larson (1977), D. Cruikshank (1980)IAU WGPSN
XIIHeleneS/1980 S61980P. Laques and J. LecacheuxIAU WGPSN
XIIITelestoS/1980 S131980B.A. Smith, H. Reitsema, S.M. Larson, J. FountainIAU WGPSN
XIVCalypsoS/1980 S251980D. Pascu, P.K. Seidelmann, W. Baum, D. CurrieIAU WGPSN
XVAtlasS/1980 S281980Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
XVIPrometheusS/1980 S271980Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
XVIIPandoraS/1980 S261980Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
XVIIIPanS/1981 S131990M.R. ShowalterIAU WGPSN
XIXYmirS/2000 S12000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7512
XXPaaliaqS/2000 S22000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7512
XXITarvosS/2000 S42000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7513
XXIIIjiraqS/2000 S62000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7521
XXIIISuttungrS/2000 S122000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7548
XXIVKiviuqS/2000 S52000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7521
XXVMundilfariS/2000 S92000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7538
XXVIAlbiorixS/2000 S112000M. HolmanIAUC 7545
XXVIISkathiS/2000 S82000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7538
XXVIIIErriapusS/2000 S102000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7539
XXIXSiarnaqS/2000 S32000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7513
XXXThrymrS/2000 S72000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7538
XXXINarviS/2003 S12003S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, and J. KleynaIAUC 8116
XXXIIMethoneS/2004 S12004Cassini Imaging Science TeamIAUC 8389
XXXIIIPalleneS/2004 S22004Cassini Imaging Science TeamIAUC 8389
XXXIVPolydeucesS/2004 S52004Cassini Imaging Science TeamIAUC 8432
XXXVDaphnisS/2005 S12005Cassini Imaging Science TeamIAUC 8524
XXXVIAegirS/2004 S102004S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
XXXVIIBebhionnS/2004 S112004S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
XXXVIIIBergelmirS/2004 S152004S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
XXXIXBestlaS/2004 S182004S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
XLFarbautiS/2004 S92004S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
XLIFenrirS/2004 S162004S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
XLIIFornjotS/2004 S82004S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
XLIIIHatiS/2004 S142004S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
XLIVHyrrokkinS/2004 S192004S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8727
XLVKariS/2006 S22006S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8727
XLVILogeS/2006 S52006S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8727
XLVIISkollS/2006 S82006S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8727
XLVIIISurturS/2006 S72006S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8727
XLIXAntheS/2007 S42007Cassini Imaging Science TeamIAUC 8857
LJarnsaxaS/2006 S62006S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8727
LIGreipS/2006 S42006S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8727
LIITarqeqS/2007 S12007S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8836
LIIIAegaeonS/2008 S12008Cassini Imaging Science TeamIAUC 9023
LIVGridrS/2004 S202004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T126
LVAngrbodaS/2004 S222004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T128
LVISkrymirS/2004 S232004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T129
LVIIGerdS/2004 S252004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T132
LVIIIS/2004 S262004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T133
LIXEggtherS/2004 S272004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T134
LXS/2004 S292004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T136
LXIBeliS/2004 S302004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T137
LXIIGunnlodS/2004 S322004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T154
LXIIIThiazziS/2004 S332004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T155
LXIVS/2004 S342004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T156
LXVAlvaldiS/2004 S352004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T157
LXVIGeirrodS/2004 S382004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T160
S/2004 S72005D. Jewitt, S. Sheppard, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
S/2004 S122005D. Jewitt, S. Sheppard, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
S/2004 S132005D. Jewitt, S. Sheppard, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
S/2004 S172005D. Jewitt, S. Sheppard, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
S/2004 S212004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T127
S/2004 S242004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T131
S/2004 S282004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T135
S/2004 S312004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T153
S/2004 S362004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T158
S/2004 S372004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T159
S/2004 S392004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T161
S/2004 S402004D.C. Jewitt, S.S. Sheppard, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J24
S/2004 S412004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J37
S/2004 S422004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J41
S/2004 S432004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J45
S/2004 S442004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J46
S/2004 S452004D.C. Jewitt, S.S. Sheppard, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J47
S/2004 S462004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J60
S/2004 S472004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J62
S/2004 S482004D.C. Jewitt, S.S. Sheppard, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J166
S/2004 S492004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J168
S/2004 S502004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J169
S/2004 S512004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J177
S/2004 S522004D.C. Jewitt, S.S. Sheppard, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J179
S/2004 S532004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-K03
S/2005 S42005S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J79
S/2005 S52005S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J85
S/2006 S12006S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8727
S/2006 S32006S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8727
S/2006 S92006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J22
S/2006 S102006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J42
S/2006 S112006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J48
S/2006 S122006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J49
S/2006 S132006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J56
S/2006 S142006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J64
S/2006 S152006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J163
S/2006 S162006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J164
S/2006 S172006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J165
S/2006 S182006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J170
S/2006 S192006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J176
S/2006 S202006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-K118
S/2007 S22007S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8836
S/2007 S32007S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8836
S/2007 S52007S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J34
S/2007 S62007S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J40
S/2007 S72007S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2023-J80
S/2007 S82007S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J81
S/2007 S92007S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-K02
S/2009 S12009Cassini Imaging Science TeamIAUC 9091
S/2019 S12019E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, C. Veillet, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2021-W14
S/2019 S22019E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J25
S/2019 S32019E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J26
S/2019 S42019E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J36
S/2019 S52019E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J43
S/2019 S62019E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J55
S/2019 S72019E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J57
S/2019 S82019E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J58
S/2019 S92019S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J59
S/2019 S102019E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J61
S/2019 S112019S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J63
S/2019 S122019E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J67
S/2019 S132019E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J69
S/2019 S142019E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J83
S/2019 S152019E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J84
S/2019 S162019E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J171
S/2019 S172019S.S. Sheppard, , D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J172
S/2019 S182019S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J173
S/2019 S192019E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J174
S/2019 S202019E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J175
S/2019 S212019S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-K05
S/2020 S12020S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J21
S/2020 S22020E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J27
S/2020 S32020E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J35
S/2020 S42020E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J38
S/2020 S52020E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J39
S/2020 S62020E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J68
S/2020 S72020E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J82
S/2020 S82020S.S Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J167
S/2020 S92020E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J178
S/2020 S102020E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-K04
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