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GLOBE Mission Earth Collaborates with Earth System Science Partners to Host GLOBE+ Virtual Student Symposium

GLOBE Mission Earth Collaborates with Earth System Science Partners to Host GLOBE+ Virtual Student Symposium

A GLOBE+ Virtual Student Symposium (G+VSS) was held April 30-May 1 for students engaging in scientific research. The event reached 83 students from 15 schools from California, New Mexico, Louisiana, Indiana, Michigan and Puerto Rico. Students ranged from grades 6 through 12. All 25 student research projects were focused on STEM with an emphasis on demonstrating Data Literacy and were reviewed by 26 STEM professionals (4 reviewers per project). The G+VSS event was hosted by the WestEd/UC Berkeley GLOBE Partnership with generous support from NASA Jet Propulsion Lab (GLOBE Partner), NASA Solar System Ambassadors, Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve (GLOBE partner), Los Angeles Unified School District Office of Outdoor Environmental Education, San Francisco Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Purdue University’s GLOBE Partnership and Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Sciences (YLACES).

“I just had the privilege of watching one of my students present her research poster at a GLOBE student symposium. She did the most amazing job, and my teacher heart is just bursting with pride! She was so professional, and her answers to the scientist judges’ questions were just spot on.” -Christy Wall Kuhlman (Teacher, McCurdy Charter)

Webinar with 10 participants on the right side of the screen. On the left is a JPL Greenland Survey 2020 slide with 2 men in front of a small plane. Also on the slide is a map of a white body of land surrounded by water with red lines around the land borders.



Last Updated
Apr 30, 2021