ROSES-2019 Amendment 22 updates the text of E.2 Topical Workshops, Symposia, and Conferences (TWSC) in a number of ways, adding new subsection and clarifying existing text.
This program element E.2 TWSC is strictly limited to proposals for topical workshops, symposia, conferences, and other scientific/technical meetings that advance the goals and objectives of the Earth Science, Heliophysics, and Planetary Science Divisions. This program element does not support any type of research projects; course development; and/or scholarships or fellowships.
Proposals may be submitted at any time during the open period of ROSES-2019.
The text has been clarified in a number of ways: Section 4.2.1 Limitations on Participants has a small change moving one sentence and a significant clarification based on 2 CFR 200.463 regarding the requesting and justifying costs for non-U.S. persons. Under Section 4.3 Availability of Funding, three new subsections have been added: 4.3.1 Non-U.S. and U.S. Sources, 4.3.2 Pass-Through Awards and Connections with Professional Networks or Societies and Research Platforms, and 4.3.3 Technology and Data. New text is in bold and deleted text is struck through.
The coordinating point of contact for programmatic information is Mary Sladek who may be reached at Questions about availability of funds and/or whether specific events are of interest to the divisions should be directed to the appropriate point of contact at