Program Officers List
These are the points of contact for research programs, typically current or former ROSES program elements. We deliberately maintain names of some old programs that are not solicited this year so that those who have continuing grants from those programs know whom they may contact for information or concurrence.
Scroll down the entire list below, starting with Astrophysics and moving through each Division, or jump to the Division of choice through the links on the left. Can’t find a person or a program on the list below? Please contact the R&A Lead of the relevant Division or contact the Science Mission Directorate R&A Lead Max Bernstein at max.bernstein.
Astrophysics Programs
- Astrophysics R&A Lead: Roopesh Ojha: email
- Astrophysics Data Analysis (ADAP): Joshua Pepper: email, 202-774-6180
- Astrophysics Research and Analysis (APRA): David C. Morris email
- Euclid General Investigator Program: Doris Daou, email, 202-358-1686, bio
- Habitable Worlds Observatory System Technologies: Julie Crooke, email
- Exoplanet Mass Measurement Program: Hannah Jang-Condell, email
- Particle Astrophysics: Thomas Hams: email, 202-358-5162
- Fundamental Physics: Thomas Hams: email, 202-358-5162
- High-Energy Astrophysics (X-ray and Gamma-ray): Valerie Connaughton: email, 202-358-1763
- Ultraviolet and Visible Astrophysics: Michael Garcia: email, 202-358-1053, bio
- Infrared, Submillimeter, and Radio Astrophysics: Dominic Benford: email, 202-358-1261, bio
- Laboratory Astrophysics: Dominic Benford: email, 202-358-1261, bio
- Nancy Grace Roman Technology Fellowships (RTF): Mario Perez: email, 202-358-1535, bio
- Astrophysics Theory (ATP): Sanaz Vahidinia: email, 202-510-1982
- Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics Networks (TCAN): Sanaz Vahidinia: email, 202-510-1982
Programs Related to Astrophysics Missions
- Astrophysics Science SmallSat Studies: Michael Garcia: email, 202-358-1053
- Astrophysics CubeSats: Michael Garcia: email, 202-358-1053
- Astrophysics Explorers U.S. Participating Investigator (APEX USPI): Patricia (Pat) Knezek: email, 202-358-0327
- Astrophysics “Pioneers”: Michael Garcia: email, 202-358-1053, bio
- Extreme Precision Radial Velocity Foundation Science: Doris Daou, email, 202-358-1686, bio
- Fermi General Investigator:
- Fermi Programmatic POC: Antonino Cucchiara email
- Fermi Technical POC: Elizabeth Hays email
- Fermi Science Support Center Help Desk:
- IXPE General Observer:
- Programmatic POC: Hashima Hasan: email, 202-358-0692
- Technical POC: Kavitha Arur email
- LISA Preparatory Science: Thomas Hams: email, 202-358-5162
- NASA Hubble Fellowships Program (Hubble, Einstein, Sagan): Patricia (Pat) Knezek: email, 202-358-0327
- NICER General Observer Program:
- NuSTAR General Observer Program:
- Astrophysics Decadal Survey Precursor Science: Doris Daou, email, 202-358-1686, bio
- Roman Space Telescope Research and Support Opportunities: Dominic Benford: email, 202-358-1261, bio
- Swift General Investigator:
- TESS General Investigator:
- TESS Programmatic POC: Hannah Jang-Condell email
- TESS Technical POC: Christina Hedges email
- X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM)
Astrophysics Strategic Astrophysics Technology Programs
Earth Science Programs
- Earth Action Lead: Thomas Wagner: email, 202-358-4682
- Earth Science Technology Office Lead: Mike Seablom: email, 202-308-6469
- Earth Science Technology Office Deputy Lead: Betsy Forsbacka: email, 301-286-7611
- Earth Science Flight Program Lead: Scott Schwinger: email, 240-825-5038, bio
- Earth Science Data Systems: Earth Science Data Officer: Katie Baynes: email, 240-357-6575
- Earth Science Data Systems Deputy Lead: Jim O’Sullivan, email
- Earth Science Research & Analysis Lead: Jack Kaye: email, 202-358-2559, bio
— Cross Disciplinary Opportunities in Earth Science —
- Rapid Response and Novel Research in Earth Science: Kelsey Bisson: email, 202-674-4019
- Earth Science U.S. Participating Investigator (Earth Science USPI): Michelle Hawkins, email
- Earth Venture Suborbital: Barry L. Lefer: email, 202-358-3857, bio
- Early Career Investigator Program in Earth Science (ECIP-ES): Yaítza Luna-Cruz: email, 202-480-0038, bio
- Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST):
- Preferred email address:
- Yaítza Luna-Cruz: email, 202-480-0038, bio
- Interdisciplinary Research in Earth Science: Kathy Hibbard: email, 202-317-0561, bio
- Remote Sensing Theory: Lucia Tsaoussi: email, 202-358-4471
- Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments: Lucia Tsaoussi: email, 202-358-4471
- Science of Coastal Resilience: Nima Pahlevan: email, 202-294-3954, bio
- Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program: Amy P. Chen: email, bio
— Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems (CCE) —
- Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems (CCE): Laura Lorenzoni: email, 202-358-0917, bio
- Land Cover/Land Use Change:
- Carbon Monitoring System:
- Terrestrial Ecology:
- Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry:
- Biological Diversity Research Program:
— Climate Variability & Change (CVC) —
- Climate Variability & Change (CVC) – Focus Area Lead: Nadya Vinogradova Shiffer: email, 202-358-0976, bio
- Subseasonal-to-seasonal hydrometeorological Prediction:
- Understanding Changes In High Mountain Asia:
- Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction: David Considine: email, 202-358-2277, bio
- Physical Oceanography:
- Cryospheric Sciences:
- Sea Level Change Science Team: Nadya Vinogradova Shiffer: email, 202-358-0976, bio
- Science Teams:
- Ocean Surface Topography Science Team: Nadya Vinogradova Shiffer: email, 202-358-0976, bio
- Ocean Vector Winds Science Team: Nadya Vinogradova Shiffer: email, 202-358-0976, bio
- Ocean Salinity Science Team: Nadya Vinogradova Shiffer: email, 202-358-0976, bio
— Water and Energy Cycle (WEC) —
- Water and Energy Cycle (WEC) – Focus Area Lead: Craig Ferguson: email, 202-870-3049
- Terrestrial Hydrology:
- Subseasonal-to-seasonal hydrometeorological Prediction:
- Understanding Changes In High Mountain Asia:
— Atmospheric Composition (AC) —
- Atmospheric Composition (AC) – Focus Area Lead: Hal Maring: email, 202-358-1679, bio
- Upper Atmospheric Composition Observations: Kenneth Jucks: email, 202-358-0476, bio
- Atmospheric Composition Modeling & Analysis (ACMAP): Michelle Hawkins, email, 202-358-2629, bio
- Upper Atmosphere Research Program: Kenneth Jucks, email, 202-358-0476, bio
- Radiation Sciences Program: Hal Maring, email, 202-358-1679, bio
— Earth Surface and Interior (ESI) —
- Earth Surface and Interior (ESI) – Focus Area Lead: Ben Phillips, email, 202-358-5693, bio
- Earth Surface Properties:
- Crustal Dynamics:
- Earth Interior:
- Geodetic Imaging: Gerald Bawden, email, 202-358-3922, bio
- Space Geodesy: Ben Phillips, email, 202-358-5693, bio
— Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics (WAD)—
- Focus Area Lead for Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics: Tsengdar Lee, email, 202-358-0860 bio
- Hurricane Science: Will McCarty: email, 240-758-8263, bio
- Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics: Will McCarty: email, 240-758-8263, bio
- Precipitation Science: Will McCarty: email, 240-758-8263, bio
- Research from Geostationary Satellites: Tsengdar Lee, email, 202-358-0860, bio
Earth Action
- Agriculture Applied Research Using Earth Observations: Bradley Doorn, email, 202-358-2187, bio
- Climate Resilience and Community Action: Michelle Hawkins, email, 202-358-2629, bio
- Disasters:
- Ecological Forecasting and Ecological Conservation: Keith Gaddis: email, 202-358-4651, bio
- Equity and Environmental Justice: Michelle Hawkins, email, 202-358-2629, bio
- Health & Air Quality Applied Sciences Team: John Haynes, email, 202-358-4665, bio
- Public Health & Air Quality: John Haynes, email, 202-358-4665, bio
- Socioeconomic Assessments and Benefits: Shanna McClain, email, 202-247-7039, bio
- Water Resources: Erin Urquhart, email, bio
- Wildland Fires (Wildfires): Mike Falkowski: email, 202-358-1431, bio
- SERVIR: Nancy Searby, email, 202-358-0395, bio
- Commercial SmallSat Data Acquisition Program: Melissa Martin: email,
- Procurement: Alfreda Hall, email, 301-614-5241
- Data Requests: Manil Maskey, email, 256-961-7793
Earth Science Technology
- Advanced Component Technology: Chris Edwards, email, 757-864-1555
- Advanced Information Systems Technology: Laura Rogers, email, 757-690-6022
- Advanced Modeling Technology: Jacqueline LeMoigne-Stewart, email, 301-550-1813
- Decadal Survey Incubation: Amber Emory, email, 240-278-2723
- In-space Validation of Earth Science Technologies (InVEST): Sachidananda Babu, email, 240-678-0728
- Instrument Incubator: Parminder Ghuman, email, 301-974-9246
- Sustainable Land Imaging – Technology: Sachidananda Babu, email, 240-678-0728
- Technology Development for Support of Wildfire Science and Disaster Risk Mitigation (FireTech):
Airborne Science
- Airborne Science: Bruce Tagg, email, 202-358-2890
- Airborne Instrument Technology Transition: Barry L. Lefer, email, 202.358.3857, bio
Data Systems
- Advancing Collaborative Connections for Earth System Science:
- Citizen Science for Earth Systems:
- Commercial SmallSat Data Acquisition Program:
Cross Division Programs
- Artemis Deployed Instruments:
- Preferred email address:
- Ryan Watkins, email
- Amanda Nahm
- MOSAICS: Padi Boyd, email
- Citizen Science: Marc Kuchner, email, 301-286-5165, bio
- Economic, Social, and Political Impacts of Orbital Debris and Lunar Surface Sustainability: Patrick Besha, email
- Exoplanet Research Program:
- Preferred email address: HQ-XRP@mail.nasa.govJohn Wisniewski, email
- Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST): HQ-FINESST
- High-Priority Open-Source Science:
- Interdisciplinary Science for Eclipse: Madhulika Guhathakurta, email, 202-358-1992, bio
- Lunar Terrain Vehicle Instruments:
- Multidomain Reusable Artificial Intelligence Tools:
- NASA Innovation Corps: Maggie Yancey, email
- Open-source software tools, frameworks, and libraries: Steven Crawford, email, 410-338-6386
- Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon (PRISM):
- Science Activation: Lin Chambers, email
- Supplements for Open-Source Science:
- Preferred email address:
- Steven Crawford, email, 202-358-1310
- Topical Workshops, Symposiums & Conferences (TWSC):
- General Coordinating Contact: Mary F. Sladek, email, 202-358-0861, bio
- Astrophysics: John Wisniewski, email
- Biological and Physical Science: Fran Chiaramonte, email
- Earth Science: Kathy Hibbard, email
- Exploration Science Strategy and Integration Office: Debra Needham, email, 256-961-7503
- Heliophysics: Susanna Finn, email
- Open Science:
- Planetary Science:
- Science Engagement: Lin Chambers, email
Heliophysics Programs
- Heliophysics R&A Lead: Therese Jorgensen, email
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning -Ready Data: Katya Verner, email, 202-358-1213
- Early Career Investigator Program in Heliophysics: Katya Verner, email, 202-358-1213
- Eclipse Science:
- Geospace Dynamics Constellation mission Interdisciplinary Scientists: Jared Leisner, email, 202-358-2016
- Grand Challenges Research/DRIVE Science Centers
- Heliophysics Citizen Science Investigations:
- Heliophysics Data Environment Enhancements: Esayas Shume, email
- Heliophysics Mission Concept Studies: Jared Leisner, email, 202-358-2016
- Heliophysics R&A Lead: Patrick Koehn, email, 202-358-3636
- Heliophysics Supporting Research: Reinhard Friedel, email, 202-281-6360
- Heliophysics Tools and Methods: Alex Fletcher, email
- Heliophysics US Participating Investigators: Simon Plunkett, email, 202-358-2034
- Living with a Star Infrastructure:
- Living With a Star Program Analysis Group (LPAG): Simon Plunkett, email, 202-358-2034
- Living With a Star Science: John McCormack, email, 202-422-2796, bio
- Living With a Star Strategic Capabilities: Simon Plunkett, email, 202-358-2034
- Living With a Star Tools and Methods: Madhulika (“Lika”) Guhathakurta, email, 202-358-1992
- Space Weather Centers of Excellence: Genene Fisher, email
- Space Weather Operations-to-Research: Genene Fisher, email
- Theory-Modeling-Simulations: Katya Verner, email, 202-358-1213
Programs Related to Heliophysics Missions
- GOLD/ICON Guest Investigators: John McCormack, email, 202-422-2796, bio
- Heliophysics Guest Investigators: Galen Fowler, email, 202-358-0039
- Heliophysics System Observatory Connect: Arik Posner: email, 202-358-0727, bio
- Heliophysics System Observatory Data Support: Jeffrey Hayes: email, 202-358-0353, bio
- HERMES Interdisciplinary Science (IDS) Teams: James Spann, email, 202-358-0574
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Guest Investigators: Galen Fowler, email, 202-358-0039
- Outer Heliosphere Guest Investigators (OH-GI) program: Arik Posner: email, 202-358-0727, bio
- Parker Solar Probe (PSP) Guest Investigators: Arik Posner: email, 202-358-0727, bio
- Solar Orbiter Guest Investigators: Simon Plunkett, email, 202-358-2034
Heliophysics Strategic Technology Programs
- Heliophysics Technology and Instrument Development for Science:
- Heliophysics Flight Opportunities for Research and Technology: Amy Winebarger, email, 256-961-7509
- Heliophysics Flight Opportunities Studies: Roshanak Hakimzadeh, email, 202-358-0784
- Heliophysics Innovations for Technology and Science: Madhulika (“Lika”) Guhathakurta, email, 202-358-1992, bio
- Heliophysics Low Cost Access to Space: Dan Moses, email, 202-358-0558
Planetary Science Programs
- Planetary Science R&A Lead:
- Kathleen Vander Kaaden, email
- Akatsuki Participating Scientist Program:
- Mitch Schulte
- Analog Activities to Support Artemis Lunar Operations:
- Sarah Noble
- Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis (ANGSA) Program:
- Kathleen Vander Kaaden
- Sarah Noble
- BepiColombo Investigators:
- Shoshana Weider
- Cassini Data Analysis:
- Nicholas Lang
- Henry Throop
- Concepts for Ocean worlds Life Detection Technology (COLDTech):
- Erica Montbach
- Desert Research and Technology Studies (D-RATS):
- Sarah Noble
- The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission Participating Scientist program:
- Thomas Statler
- Development and Advancement of Lunar Instrumentation (DALI):
- Anna Maria Pal
- Discovery Data Analysis:
- Aaron Burton
- K.C. Hansen
- Michael Lienhard
- Emerging Worlds (EW):
- Julie Ziffer
- Curtis Williams
- Exobiology:
- Alison Olcott
- Early Career Awards – Planetary Science (ECA):
- Nicholas Lang
- Habitable Worlds:
- Main POC: Alison Olcott
- Heliophysics: Galen Fowler, email, 202-358-0039
- Hayabusa2 Participating Scientist Program:
- Melissa Morris
- Here to Observe (H2O):
- David J. Smith
- Hot Operating Temperature Technology (HOTTech):
- Michael Lienhard
- Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology Research:
- Lindsay Hays
- Juno Participating Scientist Program:
- Delia Santiago-Materese
- Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter Participating Scientist Program (KPLO PSP):
- Shoshana Weider
- Laboratory Analysis of Returned Samples (LARS):
- Katharine Robinson
- Curtis Williams
- Lunar Data Analysis Program (LDAP):
- Katharine Robinson
- Amanda Nahm
- Lunar Mapping Program (LMAP):
- Sarah Noble
- Amanda Nahm
- Mars Data Analysis
- Majd Mayyasi
- Adrian Brown
- Mars Science Lab Participating Scientist Program (MSL PSP):
- Becky McCauley Rench
- Martian Moons eXploration Participating Scientist Program:
- Thomas Statler
- Maturation of Instruments for Solar System Exploration (MatISSE):
- Michael Lienhard
- New Frontiers Data Analysis Program:
- Nicholas Lang
- Henry Throop
- OSIRIS REx Participating Scientists Program (OREx PSP):
- David J. Smith
- Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools (PDART):
- Nicholas Lang
- K.C. Hansen
- Planetary Instrument Concepts for the Advancement of Solar System Observations (PICASSO):
- Shahid (“Ish”) Aslam
- Michael Lienhard
- Planetary Science Enabling Facilities (PSEF):
- Aaron Burton
- Planetary Protection Research (PPR):
- David J. Smith
- Planetary Science and Technology Through Analog Research (PSTAR):
- Becky McCauley Rench
- Precursor Science Investigations for Europa (PSIE):
- Curt Niebur
- Henry Throop
- Scientific Exploration Subsurface Access Mechanism for Europa (SESAME) technology development:
- Erica Montbach
- Solar System Observations:
- Julie Ziffer
- Solar System Workings (SSW):
- Majd Mayyasi
- Curtis Williams
- VenSAR Science Team Participating Scientist Program (PSP):
- Mitch Schulte email
- Yearly Opportunities for Research in Planetary Defense (YORPD):
- Kelly Fast
- Lindley Johnson
- Josh Handal
Biological and Physical Science Programs
- Biological and Physical Sciences R&A Lead: Francis Chiaramonte: email, 202-358-0693, bio
- Biological and Physical Sciences Applications & Partnerships: Lisa Carnell: email, 757-864-4269, bio
- Biological and Physical Sciences Exploration Research: Kevin Sato: email, 650-604-1104
Physical Sciences
- Biophysics:
- Combustion Science:
- Soft Matter/Complex Fluids:
- Fundamental Physics:
- Fluid Physics:
- Materials Science:
- Physical Sciences Informatics System:
- Quantum Science and Technology:
Space Biology
- Animal Biology:
- Lynn Harrison: email, 771-216-0459
- Please cc
- Cell and Molecular Biology:
- Lynn Harrison: email, 771-216-0459
- Please cc
- Developmental, Reproductive, and Evolutionary Biology:
- Lynn Harrison: email, 771-216-0459
- Please cc
- Microbiology:
- Lynn Harrison: email, 771-216-0459
- Please cc
- Plant Biology:
- Lynn Harrison: email, 771-216-0459
- Please cc
- Systems Biology – Omics and GeneLab:
- Lynn Harrison: email, 771-216-0459
- Please cc