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On or about August 25, Amendment 26 will permit the use of Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) data in the TMS subelement of B.5 Heliophysics Grand Challenges Research. Because of this change in scope the due dates have been delayed. Step-1 proposals for this program element are now due October 13, 2016, and Step-2 proposals are now due November 23, 2016. New text is in bold and deleted text is struck through. Questions concerning this program element may be directed to Mona Kessel at mona.kessel@nasa.gov
The goals of the Heliophysics Grand Challenges Research (H-GCR) program are specifically designed to support investigations of complex problems that fall within the general realm of Heliophysics and whose full resolution has remained elusive. Work on such problems has traditionally been carried out by independent research groups that employ observational, theoretical, and modeling-based approaches. Increasingly, major advances in the field are taking place as a result of the close interactions between observers, theorists, and modelers. Thus, a coherent attack on the most challenging broad problems requires the efforts of a synergistically interacting group of multidisciplinary teams led by a single Principal Investigator, so as to enable deep and transformative science. Increasingly, as computing power becomes more affordable and more available, numerical simulations and modeling become tools that can and have been used synergistically with data analyses and rigorous theory development to solve the fundamental problems of Heliophysics. They lead the way to new understanding and drive science concepts for future strategic missions. The ultimate goal of Theory, Modeling and Simulations (TMS) investigations is to provide a complete chain of reasoning extending from the basic laws of nature to comparison with observation to the identification of future quantitative tests of the behavior of the environment.
On or about August 25, 2016, Amendment 26 to ROSES-2016 will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at http://nspires.nasaprs.com/.