2 min read

Amendment 26: Hurricane Harvey Causes Delay of ROSES Due Dates

To give more time to proposers who are without power because of Hurricane Harvey, the following due dates for ROSES program elements have been delayed:

The proposal due date for A.11 Ocean Salinity Science Team has been delayed to September 27, 2017.

The proposal due date for A.33 Science Team for OCO Missions has been delayed to September 28, 2017.

The proposal due date for A.36 New Investigator Program in Earth Science has been delayed to September 28, 2017.

The Step-2 proposal due date for B.2 Heliophysics Supporting Research has been delayed to September 28, 2017.

The proposal due date for C.15 Planetary Protection Research has been delayed to September 21, 2017.

For both C.11 Discovery Data Analysis and C.20 Rosetta Data Analysis Program the Step-1 proposal due date is now September 21, 2017 and the Step-2 proposal due date is November 21, 2017.

Notices of intent for A.39 Earth Science Applications: Health and Air Quality are requested by September 18, 2017.

Notices of intent for A.51 SAGE III/ISS Science Team are requested by September 14, 2017.

Notices of intent for A.52 CYGNSS Competed Science Team are requested by September 15, 2017.

Complete lists of ROSES program elements and due dates may be found in Table 2 (organized chronologically) and Table 3 (in program element order).

Questions concerning these program elements may be directed to the point of contacts listed in the summary table of key information and at https://science.nasa.gov/researchers/sara/program-officers-list/.