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Amendment 3: EW Step-1 due date delayed; lunar focus added to several programs in Appendix C

This year the Planetary Science Division is particularly soliciting proposals that focus on the Moon, either directly or in comparison with other bodies. Pending the result of the FY 2019 federal budget and appropriations process, significant additional funds may be available for selections in program elements C.2 EW, C.3 SSW, C.6 SSO, C.7 PDART, and C.14 PSTAR through the Lunar Discovery and Exploration Program to fund relevant, lunar-focused science.

Since the Step-1 due date for C.2 Emerging Worlds is rapidly approaching and the added lunar emphasis may result in new proposals, the Step-1 due date for C.2 Emerging Worlds has been delayed to April 12, 2018. The Step-2 due date for C.2 remains unchanged at June 1, 2018.

Questions concerning the emphasis on lunar-focused science may be directed to Sarah Noble at

Questions concerning the Emerging Worlds Step-1 due date delay may be directed to:

Questions concerning any of the other ROSES program elements referenced in this notice should be directed to the point of contact, given in the summary table of key information at the end of each program element.



Last Updated
May 22, 2023