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Amendment 35: C.21 SIMPLEx deferred to ROSES-2017

SIMPLEx supports the formulation and development of science investigations that require a spaceflight mission that can be accomplished using small spacecraft. All proposed investigations must be responsive to the goals of the Planetary Science Division, as described in the 2014 NASA Science Plan available at In order to advance the objectives outlined in the Science Plan, proposed investigations may target any body in the Solar System except for the Earth and Sun. Investigations of extra‑solar planets are not solicited in this program element.

Program Element C.21 the Small Innovative Missions for Planetary Exploration (SIMPLEx) Program will not be solicited in ROSES-2016, but it is anticipated that it will be solicited in ROSES-2017.

The NASA point of contact for this program element is Doris Daou, who may be reached at



Last Updated
Jul 23, 2023