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Parts of the International Space Station are visible above the Pacific Ocean in this image taken from ISS.

How NASA Uses and Improves Solar Power

A Brief History of Solar Power

  • Even before the light bulb, scientists had inklings of the power locked up in a ray of sunlight.

    In 1839, French scientist Alexandre Edmond Becquerel (who was 19 at the time) was working in his father’s laboratory, experimenting with two metal sheets placed in an electricity-conducting liquid. As he shined light on the device, he detected a weak electric current — what we now know to be a flow of electrons through the material. This phenomenon was the first demonstration that light could generate electricity, known today as the photovoltaic effect.

    A sepia-toned vintage photograph of a middle-aged man with receding hair, prominent sideburns, and a mustache. He is dressed formally in a dark suit with a bow tie, sitting against a plain backdrop.
    A portrait of French scientist Alexandre Edmond Becquerel, taken sometime in the mid 1800s.
    Public Domain
  • In 1872, scientists discovered the first solid material — selenium — that could pass an electrical current.

    By 1884 selenium had been incorporated in the world’s first solar array, which was installed on a New York City rooftop. Scientists continued to develop and experiment with selenium and other photovoltaic materials for the next 70 years, but practical applications were limited by their low efficiency – only about 1% of light energy could be converted to electricity.

    A close-up view of a small pile of dark gray powdered substance in a transparent shallow dish, placed on a beige textured surface. The grains of the powder vary in size, creating a rough and uneven appearance.
    Selenium from Colorado, USA. (public display, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Mineral Museum, Butte, Montana, USA),
  • A breakthrough came in 1954.

    That's when scientists at Bell Labs used an abundant material called silicon to create the first solar cell that achieved 6% efficiency. Solar panels today use this same basic design, with adjustments that have allowed industrial and commercial solar panels to achieve between 15% and 23% efficiency.

    A large field of solar panels set in rows under a bright, clear sky. Trees and vegetation are visible in the background, adding a natural contrast to the technological array.

How Solar Panels Work

Silicon is an abundant material used in many technological applications because it is a very good “semiconductor,” or material whose ability to carry electric current can be easily manipulated by adding energy. In typical solar cells, silicon is layered in three thin sheets. A middle layer is made of pure silicon. The outer two silicon layers are injected with other elements (typically phosphorous on one side, and boron on the other) that differ in their capacity to “donate” or “accept” electrons. As light strikes the pure silicon layer, it energizes the silicon’s electrons, which then begin to move within the material. Those electrons are attracted to the silicon layer designed to “accept” electrons, leading to a buildup of negative and positive charges in the outer layers. These two sides are then connected with wires to form a circuit that facilitates the flow of electrons from one side to the other, generating usable power.

Silicon-based solar cells power many of NASA’s spacecraft, including the James Webb Space Telescope. Learn more about why this abundant material is used in solar panels in this excerpt from NASA’s Elements of Webb video series.

Silicon is the go-to chip and sensor material for a reason: It works! Learn about the semiconductor properties that make this element the right choice for the Webb Telescope.
Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

Solar Power in Space

  • A mere four years after the first viable solar cells were created, they made their way to space.

    The Soviet Union kicked off the space race with the launch of Sputnik on Oct. 4, 1957, quickly followed by the United States’ Explorer 1 on Jan. 31, 1958. But as both satellites ran exclusively on battery power, they were dead within a few weeks. In March 1958, the United States launched the first solar-powered spacecraft, Vanguard 1 (pictured at right), which transmitted data for the next six years.

    The Vanguard 1 satellite, a shiny, spherical object with protruding antennas, reflecting a group of people and the surrounding area under a clear blue sky.
    Vanguard 1, the world’s first solar-powered satellite, launched on March 17, 1958.
  • Solar cells became the de facto way to power spacecraft, and remain so today.

    Some missions, such as NASA’s Parker Solar Probe, require specialized solar panels that can operate in extreme environments. Flying on an elliptical orbit into the Sun’s hot outer atmosphere, Parker Solar Probe uses solar panels angled away and partially shaded from the Sun. It also uses a special cooling system to ensure the system isn’t overwhelmed by heat and was designed to be extra robust to deal with the intense ultraviolet rays it receives when close to the Sun, which can degrade materials rapidly. The spacecraft’s elliptical orbit also takes it far from the Sun, even beyond Venus. Engineers designed the solar array to compensate for how the light changes at different distances to the Sun, which alters the color and intensity of the sunlight it receives.

    Parker Solar Probe orbiting over The Sun.
    Parker Solar Probe uses remote and direct measurements to collect data about the Sun.
  • But sunlight drops dramatically with distance.

    At Jupiter, which receives 25 times less light than Earth, the Juno spacecraft (pictured at right) needs three 30-foot-long panels to generate 500 watts of energy — about how much a typical refrigerator uses. Its orbit around Jupiter also helps keep the solar panels almost constantly exposed to sunlight to maximize power generation.
    Solar power becomes less viable for missions that venture even farther, where there’s not even enough light to charge a battery. Deep space missions like NASA’s Voyager 1 and 2 rely instead on energy from the radioactive decay of plutonium-238 to keep them running well into interstellar space.

    A spacecraft with extended solar panels is orbiting above Jupiter, showcasing the planet’s swirling brown, beige, and white cloud patterns beneath. Jupiter's Great Red Spot is faintly visible, highlighting the spacecraft’s proximity to the gas giant.

How NASA is Improving Solar Power

Perovskites for Improved Efficiency

NASA scientists and other researchers around the world are working to improve the efficiency and durability of solar panels. In addition to using silicon, scientists have discovered that adding a layer of minerals known as perovskites can dramatically improve panel efficiency. Perovskites help capture bluer visible wavelengths, complimenting silicon’s redder wavelength coverage and allowing a solar cell to capture more light. In 2023, several independent research teams created small perovskite-silicon solar cells that exceeded 30% efficiency, and the best experimental cells today are approaching 50% efficiency.

A close-up image of a pyrite mineral cluster. The pyrite crystals are metallic and have a cubic structure, contrasting sharply with the surrounding darker, rougher rock matrix. The crystals capture light, giving them a shiny, reflective appearance.

Vertical Arrays for Lunar Applications

An illustration of a lunar surface with a tall solar panel, a small rover with solar panels, and a larger lander-like device also equipped with solar panels. The space scene depicts an advanced lunar exploration setup under a dark sky.
Vertical solar arrays, pictured in this illustration, will help power exploration of the Moon under Artemis.

NASA is also involved with envisioning the next generation of solar power usage in space. To advance the Artemis campaign, NASA tasked three companies with developing and building prototypes of vertical deployable solar array systems to power human and robotic exploration of the Moon. Most space solar array structures are designed to be used horizontally, but on the Moon, vertically oriented structures atop tall masts will be needed to maximize sunlight collection at the lunar poles, where the Sun stays close to the horizon. Scientists are also investigating the feasibility of space-based solar power, which would collect sunlight from space and beam the energy back to Earth, potentially serving remote locations across the planet to supplement power transmission infrastructure on the ground.

The Future of Solar Power in Space

  • Sailing with the Sun

    Along with working to improve the efficiency of solar panels, NASA is also looking beyond photovoltaics to an old technology: sails. Humans have crossed open waters by sail for thousands of years. And now, NASA is working on a system to traverse space using solar sails. Unlike photovoltaics, which work by capturing the energy of light, solar sails use the pressure of light. When a photon, or individual particle of light, bounces off a reflective solar sail, it imparts a small push. With enough photons, these tiny nudges can move an entire spacecraft, much like how traditional sails harness the multitude of tiny air molecules that make up the wind. In the future, solar sails could replace heavy propulsion systems and enable longer-duration and lower-cost missions.

  • The Advanced Composite Solar Sail System

    In 2024, the Advanced Composite Solar Sail System, a microwave-sized spacecraft, launched to test a new composite boom — a sail’s framework — made from materials that are stiffer and lighter than previous boom designs. The spacecraft has a solar sail measuring about 860 square feet — about the size of six parking spots. The seven-meter-long boom that holds out the solar sail can collapse into a bundle that would fit in your hand, which allowed it to fit compactly inside the spacecraft. The mission demonstrated the boom’s deployment and is now testing the sail’s performance using a series of maneuvers to adjust the spacecraft orbit using the sail angle. The technology could eventually allow for future sails up to half the size of a soccer field, enabling travel to the Moon, Mars, and beyond.

Learn More

Explore NASA's Sun-related stories and download high-resolution images of the solar system, agency missions, and more.

Advanced Composite Solar Sail System (ACS3)

Just as a sailboat is powered by wind in a sail, solar sails employ the pressure of sunlight for propulsion, eliminating the need for conventional rocket propellant.

A thin orange circle against a black background

Oct. 2 Annular Solar Eclipse

On Oct. 2, 2024, the Moon will pass in front of the Sun, casting its shadow across parts of Earth. 

This image is a multi-wavelength composite of the Sun, showcasing its dynamic and turbulent surface. The Sun is depicted as a large, spherical object glowing with intense colors, including reds, greens, yellows, and bright blues. Bright, vibrant regions highlight areas of intense magnetic activity, while darker patches indicate cooler, less active areas. Wisps of solar material are visible swirling across the surface, creating a textured, almost swirling effect. The outer edges of the Sun appear to be radiating energy, with a glowing aura that extends into the surrounding blackness of space, illustrating the Sun's powerful solar flares and coronal emissions.

The Sun

Our closest star is so much more than meets the eye.



Last Updated
Oct 22, 2024