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Lightning Talks

The following technologists presented lighting talks during the event.

Company/OrganizationLast NameTitle
KinetxAdamSpace Navigation, Flight Dynamics, & Planetary Science
JPLAhmedLow SWaP High Performance RF-Photonics 94GHz Cloud Radar Receiver
U. of TwenteAnyszkaNew high-performance rubber
BUSEKAverillSOUL (Satellite on Umbilical Line)
AstrobioticBedfordAstrobiotic Product Overview
JPLBrandonHigh Specific Energy Primary Batteries for NASA Missions
Freefall AerospaceChandraInflatable Antenna System for Planetary Science
Frontier AerospaceFrankelAdvanced Rocket Propulsion
QualcommGagneCockpit SOC - Building Blocks
ZenoGilbertLong-Duration Commercial Radioisotope Power Sources for Space Science Missions
JPLGoelOcean World Lander Autonomy Testbed
NASA MarshallGomezActive and Passive Storage Solutions for Low Temperature Lunar Sample Return
SRIHegedusFilling Technological Gaps for Planetary Science Missions with Customized SRI Solutions
Ascending Node TechnologiesHergenrotherSpaceline telemetry-based interactive 3D visualizations
NASA MarshallJohnsonSolar Sail Propulsion Technology for Planetary Missions
U. of UtahKimMicrofabricated Organic Analyzer for Biosignatures
JPLLevisonF Prime Open Source Flight Software Product Line
JPLMandrakeOnboard Science Instrument Autonomy (OSIA)
Astrolab VenturiMatthewsFlexible Logistics & Exploration
U. of IowaMilesNext Generation Fluxgate Magnetometers
Freefall AerospacePatDeployable Log-Periodic Dipole Array (LPDA) for Small Satellites and Landers
JPLPolzinSpace Nuclear Propulsion for Deep Space Missions
JPLSanchez-NetA Demand Access System for Deep Space Operations
Ultra Safe NuclearSchilffarthNuclear Thermal Propulsion
MDA SpaceShariffTechnology for Planetary Science
NASA AmesStackpooleConformal PICA TPS Enabling Future NASA Planetary Science Missions
Advanced Cooling TechnologiesTarauThermal Management Systems
Analytical Mechanics AssociatesTerryDigital Holographic Microscope
Stellar ExplorationToddHigh-Performance Hardware for Science Missions
NASA AmesVenkatapathy3-D Woven TPS Enabling Solar System In-Situ Science Missions
NASA AmesWerchinskiAdaptable, Deployable Entry and Placement Technology (ADEPT)