Selection Process
- The NASA LEADS application will be available in Talent Marketplace from September 13th-October 4th, 2025. Please plan ahead, as the application requires supervisor endorsement and completing essay questions.
- Applications go through an initial eligibility screening for:
- Completeness (questions and essay questions)
- Supervisor endorsement
- GS/NEX grade
- Job series.
- Applicants who are not eligible and their supervisors will be notified as soon as the initial screening is complete.
- Eligible applications sent to members of an initial selection panel:
- 3 reviewers will evaluate each application
- Reviewers are Senior GS-15+ in Science & Science-Related fields
- Responses to six essay questions in the applications will be scored from 0-5 and given a final recommendation of “highly recommend,” “recommend,” “recommend with reservations” or “do not recommend”
- Recommendation Scores will be averaged with the independent evaluations from all Reviewers
- If the standard deviation of the Recommendation Score is very large, an additional Reviewer will be sought
- All eligible applicants and their supervisors will be notified of the selection outcomes at this time.