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Sols 4447–4449: Looking Back at the Marker Band Valley

A dim, grainy, grayscale, exaggerated wide-angle photograph from the Martian surface shows two large buttes on the curved horizon, with very rough terrain leading from there to the image foreground. The ground is covered in rocks of all sizes, many large and sharply angled. A rover wheel is visible in the lower left corner of the image, with tracks in the soil leading away from it.
NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity captured this image of its workspace using the rover’s Rear Hazard Avoidance Camera (Rear Hazcam) on sol 4447 — or Martian day 4,447 of the Mars Science Laboratory mission — on Feb. 8, 2025, at 13:54:13 UTC.

Earth planning date: Friday, Feb. 7, 2025

We are continuing our merry way alongside “Texoli” butte, heading toward the boxworks feature in the distance, our next major waypoint. This is a series of large-scale ridges, which appear from orbital data to be a complex fracture network.  

Of course, we don’t actually expect to get there until late fall 2025, at the earliest. Our drives are long right now (the weekend plan has a 50-meter drive, or about 164 feet) but we are still taking the time to document all of the wonderful geology as we go, and not just speeding past all of the cool things! 

As Conor mentioned in Wednesday’s blog, power is becoming a challenge right now. Those of us in the northern hemisphere might be thinking (eagerly anticipating!) about the return of Spring but Mars is heading into colder weather, meaning we need to use more power for warming up the rover. However, we are also in a very interesting cloud season (as Conor mentioned), so the environmental theme group (ENV) are keen to do lots of imaging right now. This means very careful planning and negotiating between ENV and the geology theme group (GEO) to make the most of the power we do have. Luckily, this plan has something for everyone. 

The GEO group was handed a weekend workspace containing a jumble of rocks — some layered, some not. None of the rocks were very large but we were able to plan APXS and MAHLI on a brushed rock surface at “Aliso Canyon” and on a small, flat unbrushed target, “Bridge to Nowhere,” close to the rover. ChemCam will use the LIBS laser to shoot three bedrock targets, sampling regular bedrock at “Newcomb,” some cracked bedrock at “Devore” and some of the more layered material at “Rubio Canyon.” Mastcam will document the ChemCam LIBS targets. In addition to the cloud imaging, we have lots of other imaging in this plan. We are in position right now to look back down at the “Marker Band Valley,” which we first entered almost a thousand sols ago! Before we go too much further along the side of Texoli butte and lose sight of the Marker Band Valley for some time, both ChemCam and Mastcam will take advantage of this to image the Marker Band Valley and the “Marker Band.” Other images include ChemCam remote images of cap rocks in the distance and two Mastcams of near-field (i.e., close to the rover) troughs.

Written by Catherine O'Connell-Cooper, Planetary Geologist at University of New Brunswick



Last Updated
Feb 10, 2025

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