Exoplanets Multimedia


colorful retro illustration of the TESS space telescope and planetary systems

El Telescopio Espacial TESS

TESS, el "Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite", se lanzó en 2018 para descubrir planetas pequeños que orbitan estrellas brillantes en todo…

colorful retro illustration of the TESS space telescope and planetary systems

TESS Space Telescope Poster

NASA’s latest exoplanet hunter, launched in 2018, has also made astounding astronomical discoveries with its almost full-sky view.

Sin embargo, una cosa es cierta: a ocho veces la masa de la Tierra, su atracción gravitacional es mucho, mucho más fuerte.

HD 40307 g Página Para Colorear

¡Colorea este mundo! ¿Te imaginas un planeta rocoso o uno envuelto en gas y hielo?

Al igual que el planeta "Tatooine" de Luke Skywalker en Star Wars, Kepler-16b órbita un par de estrellas rojas y amarillas.

Kepler-16b Página Para Colorear

Si visitaras Kepler-16b, ¿qué colores crees que verías?

Spanish language coloring page

TRAPPIST-1e Página Para Colorear

¿Qué matices aparecerían bajo un sol rojo?

A downloadable version of a coloring page for TRAPPIST-1e.

TRAPPIST-1e Coloring Page

What hues would appear under a red sun? Grab crayons, markers, paint or colored pencils and color in the hues of our…

If you visited Kepler-16b, what colors do you think you’d see? Download the coloring page based on our Exoplanet Travel Bureau poster for the world with two suns.

Kepler-16b Coloring Page

If you visited Kepler-16b, what colors do you think you’d see? Download the coloring page based on our Exoplanet Travel…

A coloring page based on our popular Exoplanet Travel Bureau poster for HD 40307 g that shows the effects of super gravity as a skydiver descends over the planet.

HD 40307 g Coloring Page

Add your own creative vision to the coloring page based on our popular Exoplanet Travel Bureau poster for HD 40307…

Illustration from the planet's surface.

Planet hop from TRAPPIST-1e

The first discovery of seven Earth-sized planets around a single star offers a hopeful target in the search for life.

HD 40307 g, a super earth exoplanet is on a poster featuring a skin diver without a parachute.

Experience the Gravity of a Super-Earth

Twice as big in volume as the Earth, HD 40307 g straddles the line between "Super-Earth" and "mini-Neptune" and scientists…