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Roman Stories

Team Preps to Study Dark Energy via Exploding Stars With NASA’s Roman
6 min read

The universe is ballooning outward at an ever-faster clip under the power of an unknown force dubbed dark energy. One of the major goals for NASA’s upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is to help astronomers gather clues to the…

Jamie Dunn
4 min read

Project Manager – Goddard Space Flight Center Growing up near Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, Jamie Dunn — now a project manager for NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope — naturally became interested in planes. While he initially wanted…

NASA Successfully Joins Sunshade to Roman Observatory’s ‘Exoskeleton’
4 min read

NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope team has successfully integrated the mission’s deployable aperture cover — a visor-like sunshade that will help prevent unwanted light from entering the telescope — to the outer barrel assembly, another structure designed to shield…

NASA Scientists Spot Candidate for Speediest Exoplanet System
5 min read

Astronomers may have discovered a scrawny star bolting through the middle of our galaxy with a planet in tow. If confirmed, the pair sets a new record for the fastest-moving exoplanet system, nearly double our solar system’s speed through the…

Hsiao Smith
5 min read

Deputy Observatory Manager – Goddard Space Flight Center Growing up in Malaysia and Singapore, Hsiao Smith — now the deputy observatory manager for NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope — never imagined she’d have a career at NASA. But when…

New Simulated Universe Previews Panoramas From NASA’s Roman Telescope
6 min read

Astronomers have released a set of more than a million simulated images showcasing the cosmos as NASA’s upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will see it. This preview will help scientists explore a myriad of Roman’s science goals. “We used…

NASA Research To Be Featured at American Astronomical Society Meeting
6 min read

From new perspectives on the early universe to illuminating the extreme environment near a black hole, discoveries from NASA missions will be highlighted at the 245th meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS). The meeting will take place Jan. 12-16…

NASA Joins Telescope, Instruments to Roman Spacecraft
2 min read

Technicians have successfully integrated NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope’s payload – the telescope, instrument carrier, and two instruments – to the spacecraft that will deliver the observatory to its place in space and enable it to function while there.…

NASA Successfully Integrates Roman Mission’s Telescope, Instruments
4 min read

NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope team has successfully integrated the mission’s telescope and two instruments onto the instrument carrier, marking the completion of the Roman payload. Now the team at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, will…

Joshua Abel: Delivering Roman’s Optical Telescope Assembly On Time, On Target
5 min read

Joshua Abel’s job as lead systems engineer for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope’s Optical Telescope Assembly is “to deliver the assembly to the Roman observatory on time, within budget, and meeting all the technical requirements.”
