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Moon Missions

Here are the major missions launched to the Moon. In addition to these missions, there have been CubeSats, small satellites that tend to launch as additional payloads with larger spacecraft.

Key to tables: All times are in UTC. Unless otherwise indicated, missions were launched by the space agencies of the indicated nation's government.

1950s: Dawn of the Space Age

Pioneer 0USAAug. 17, 1958N/AOrbiterUnsuccessful
Unnamed LunaUSSRSept. 23, 1958N/AImpactUnsuccessful
Pioneer 1USAOct. 11, 1958N/AOrbiterUnsuccessful
Unnamed LunaUSSROct. 11, 1958N/AImpactUnsuccessful
Pioneer 2USANov. 8, 1958N/AOrbiterUnsuccessful
Unnamed LunaUSSRDec. 4, 1958N/AImpactUnsuccessful
Pioneer 3USADec. 7, 1958N/AFlybyUnsuccessful
Luna 1USSRJan. 2, 1959Jan. 4, 1959ImpactPartial Success; first Moon flyby
Pioneer 4USAMarch 3, 1959Mar. 4., 1959FlybyPartial Success
Unnamed LunaUSSRJune 18, 1959N/AImpactUnsuccessful
Luna 2USSRSept. 12, 1959Sept. 13, 1959ImpactSuccessful; first spacecraft to impact the Moon's surface
Pioneer P-1USASept. 24, 1959N/AOrbiterUnsuccessful
Luna 3USSROct. 4, 1959Oct. 6, 1959FlybySuccessful; first pictures of the lunar farside.
Pioneer P-3USANov. 26, 1959N/AOrbiterUnsuccessful

1960s: Race to the Moon

Astronaut and robotic spacecraft on the Moon.
The Apollo 12 astronauts examined the Surveyor 3 spacecraft during their second extravehicular activity (EVA) on the Moon on Nov. 20, 1969. Robotic Surveyor spacecraft pioneered the technology that enabled Apollo astronauts to reach the moon.
Unnamed LunaUSSRApril 15, 1960N/AFlybyUnsuccessful
Unnamed LunaUSSRApril 16, 1960N/AFlybyUnsuccessful
Pioneer P-30USASep. 25, 1960N/AOrbiterUnsuccessful
Pioneer P-31USADec. 15. 1960N/AOrbiterUnsuccessful
Ranger 3USAJan. 26, 1962N/AImpactUnsuccessful
Ranger 4USAApril 26, 1962N/AImpactUnsuccessful
Ranger 5USAOct. 21, 1962N/AImpactUnsuccessful
Unnamed LunaUSSRJan. 4, 1963N/ALanderUnsuccessful
Unnamed LunaUSSRFeb. 3, 1963N/ALanderUnsuccessful
Luna 4USSRApril 2, 1963April 6, 1963LanderUnsuccessful; flew past Moon.
Ranger 6USAJan. 30, 1964Feb. 2, 1965ImpactUnsuccessful
Unnamed LunaUSSRMarch 21, 1964N/ALanderUnsuccessful
Unnamed LunaUSSRApril 20, 1964N/ALanderUnsuccessful
Ranger 7USAJuly 28, 1964July 31, 1964ImpactSuccessful; first U.S. close-up pictures of the Moon
Ranger 8USAFeb. 17, 1965Feb. 20, 1965ImpactSuccessful
Kosmos 60USSRMarch 12, 1965N/ALanderUnsuccessful
Ranger 9USAMarch 21, 1965March 24, 1965ImpactSuccessful
Unnamed LunaUSSRApril 10, 1965N/ALanderUnsuccessful
Luna 5USSRMay 9, 1965May 12, 1965LanderUnsuccessful; impacted Moon
Luna 6USSRJune 8, 1965June 11, 1965LanderUnsuccessful; flyby
Zond 3USSRJuly 18, 1965July 20, 1965FlybySuccessful
Luna 7USSROct. 4, 1965Oct. 7, 1965LanderUnsuccessful; impacted Moon
Luna 8USSRDec. 3, 1965Dec. 6, 1965LanderUnsuccessful; impacted Moon
Luna 9USSRJan. 31, 1966Feb. 3, 1966LanderSuccessful; first lunar soft landing and first picture from the lunar surface
Kosmos 111USSRMarch 1, 1966N/AOrbiterUnsuccessful
Luna 10USSRMarch 31, 1966April 3, 1966OrbiterSuccessful; first lunar orbiter
Surveyor 1USAMay 30, 1966June 2, 1966LanderSuccessful; first U.S. Moon landing and first U.S. photo from the lunar surface.
Lunar Orbiter 1USAAug. 10, 1966Aug. 14, 1966OrbiterSuccessful
Luna 11USSRAug. 24, 1966Aug. 27, 1966OrbiterSuccessful
Surveyor 2USASept. 20, 1966Sept. 23, 1966LanderUnsuccessful; impacted Moon
Luna 12USSROct. 22, 1966Oct. 25, 1966OrbiterSuccessful
Lunar Orbiter 2USANov. 6, 1966Nov. 10, 1966OrbiterSuccessful
Luna 13USSRDec. 21, 1966Dec. 24, 1966LanderSuccessful
Lunar Orbiter 3USAFeb. 5, 1967Feb. 8, 1967OrbiterPartial success; camera failure
Surveyor 3USAApril 17, 1967April 20, 1967LanderSuccessful; visited on the Moon by Apollo 12 crew.
Lunar Orbiter 4USAMay 4, 1967May 8, 1967OrbiterPartial success; camera failure
Surveyor 4USAJuly 14, 1967July 17, 1967LanderUnsuccessful
Lunar Orbiter 5USAAug. 1, 1967Aug. 5, 1967OrbiterSuccessful
Surveyor 5USASept. 8, 1967Sept. 11, 1967LanderSuccessful
Surveyor 6USANov. 7, 1967Nov. 10, 1967LanderSuccessful
Surveyor 7USAJan. 7, 1968Jan. 10, 1968LanderSuccessful
Unnamed LunaUSSRFeb. 7, 1968N/ALanderUnsuccessful
Luna 14USSRApril 7, 1968April 10, 1968OrbiterSuccessful
Zond 5USSRSept. 15, 1968Sept. 18, 1968FlybySuccessful; first living creatures to fly past the Moon
Zond 6USSRNov. 10, 1968Nov. 14, 1968FlybyPartial success; animal cargo lost on landing.
Apollo 8USADec. 21, 1968Dec. 24, 1968OrbiterSuccess; first humans to orbit the Moon
Unnamed LunaUSSRFeb. 19, 1969N/ARoverUnsuccessful; first attempted Moon rover
Apollo 10USAMay 18, 1969May 21, 1969OrbiterSuccessful; lander test in lunar orbit
Unnamed LunaUSSRJune 14, 1969N/ASample ReturnUnsuccessful
Luna 15USSRJuly 13, 1969July 18, 1969Orbiter/Sample ReturnPartial success; orbiter successful, sample return crashed on the Moon
Apollo 11USAJuly 16, 1969July 20, 1969Orbiter/Sample ReturnSuccessful; first humans to land on the Moon
Zond 7USSRAug. 7, 1969Aug. 11, 1969FlybySuccessful
Kosmos 300USSRSept. 23, 1969N/ASample ReturnUnsuccessful
Kosmos 305USSROct. 22, 1969N/ASample ReturnUnsuccessful
Apollo 12USANov. 14, 1969Nov. 17,1969Orbiter/Sample ReturnSuccessful; rendezvous with Surveyor 3 on the surface of the moon.

1970s: Sampling the Moon

AS17-134-20425 (11 Dec. 1972) --- Scientist-astronaut Harrison H. Schmitt, lunar module pilot, collects lunar rake samples at Station 1 during the first Apollo 17 extravehicular activity (EVA) at the Taurus-Littrow landing site. This picture was taken by astronaut Eugene Cernan, commander. The lunar rake, an Apollo lunar geology hand tool, is used to collect discrete samples of rocks and rock chips ranging in size from one-half inch (1.3 centimeter) to one inch (2.5 centimeter).
Apollo 13USA4/11/19704/15/1970Orbiter/Sample ReturnUnsuccessful; crew returned safely to Earth.
Unnamed LunaUSSR2/6/1970N/ASample ReturnUnsuccessful
Luna 16USSR9/12/19709/20/1970Sample ReturnSuccessful; first robotic sample return from beyond Earth.
Zond 8USSR10/20/197010/24/1970FlybySuccessful
Luna 17USSR11/10/197011/17/1970LanderSuccessful; delivered Lunokhod 1 rover to the surface of the Moon
Lunokhod 1USSR11/10/197011/17/1970RoverSuccessful; first robotic rover to explore the surface of a world beyond Earth
Apollo 14USA1/31/19712/4/1971Orbiter/Sample ReturnSuccessful
Apollo 15USA7/26/19717/29/1971Orbiter/Sample ReturnSuccessful
PFS-1USA7/26/19718/4/1971OrbiterSuccessful; deployed in lunar orbit by Apollo 15 crew
Luna 18USSR9/2/19719/11/1971Sample ReturnUnsuccessful
Luna 19USSR9/28/197110/3/1971OrbiterSuccessful
Luna 20USSR2/14/19722/21/1972Orbiter/Sample ReturnSuccessful
Apollo 16USA4/16/19724/19/1972Orbiter/Sample ReturnSuccessful
PFS-2USA4/16/19724/24/1972OrbiterPartial Success; orbit decayed prematurely
Apollo 17USA12/7/197212/10/1972Orbiter/Sample ReturnSuccessful; first scientist on the Moon and final Apollo mission
Luna 21USSR1/8/19731/15/1973OrbiterSuccessful; delivered Lunokhod 2 rover to the surface of the Moon
Lunokhod 2USSR1/8/19731/15/1973RoverSuccessful; longest-lived rover on the Moon, drove 24 miles (39 kilometers)
Luna 22USSR5/29/19746/2/1974OrbiterSuccessful
Luna 23USSR10/28/197411/6/1974Sample ReturnPartial Success
Luna 24USSR8/9/19768/18/1976Sample ReturnSuccessful

1980s: Quiet Moon

No lunar missions were launched in this decade.

1990s: Robots Return

Image of the earth and moon taken from Clementine
The Moon and Earth as seen across the lunar North Pole, taken by the Clementine spacecraft. The large crater in the foreground is Plaskett crater. 
HitenJapan1/24/19903/19/1990Orbiter/ImpactSuccessful; first Japanese Moon mission
Lunar ProspectorUSA1/7/19981//11/1998Orbiter/ImpactSuccessful

2000s: International Moon

In 2011, NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter captured a dramatic sunrise view of Tycho crater. A very popular target with amateur astronomers, Tycho is located at 43.37°S, 348.68°E, and is about 51 miles (82 km) in diameter. The summit of the central peak is 1.24 miles (2 km) above the crater floor. The distance from Tycho's floor to its rim is abut 2.92 miles (4.7 km). Tycho crater's central peak complex, shown here, is about 9.3 miles (15 km) wide, left to right (southeast to northwest in this view).
SMART-1Europe9/27/200311/15/2004Orbiter/ImpactSuccessful; first European Moon mission
SELENE (Kaguya)Japan9/14/200710/3/2007Orbiter/ImpactSuccessful
Chang'e 1China10/24/200711/5/2007Orbiter/impactorSuccessful; first Chinese Moon mission
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO)USA6/18/20096/23/2009Orbiter(Active Mission) Successful; extended mission in progress
LCROSSUSA6/18/200910/9/2009ImpactSuccessful; impact of LRO upper stages

2010s: Delving Deeper

Gravity map of the moon
This image shows the variations in the lunar gravity field as measured by NASA's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) during the primary mapping mission from March to May 2012. Very precise microwave measurements between two spacecraft, named Ebb and Flow, were used to map gravity with high precision and high spatial resolution.

Chang'e 2China10/1/201010/5/2010OrbiterSuccessful
ARTEMIS-THEMISUSA20102011Orbiters(Active Mission) Successful; twin spacecraft on an extended lunar mission after successful Earth observations
Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL)USA9/10/20111/1/2012OrbitersSuccessful; twin spacecraft
Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE)USA9/7/201310/6/2013OrbiterSuccessful
Chang'e 3China12/6/201312/14/2013Lander(Active Mission) Successful; delivered Yutu rover to lunar surface
YutuChina12/6/201312/14/2013RoverSuccessful; first non-Soviet rover on the Moon
Chang'e 5-Test VehicleChina10/23/201410/27/2014FlybySuccessful
QueqiaoChina5/20/2018OrbiterSuccessful; lunar relay satellite
Chang'e 4 and Yutu 2China12/7/201801/03/2019Lander, RoverSuccessful; first lunar farside landing
BeresheetIsrael (SpaceIL & Israel Aerospace Industries)2/22/20194/11/2019LanderUnsuccessful; first lunar landing attempt by a private company


2020s: Back to the Surface

Moon rising behind a huge NASA rocket
The Moon rises behind NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket with the Orion spacecraft aboard atop a mobile launcher after it rolled out to Launch Complex 39B for the first time on March 17, 2022, at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. - More about this image
NASA/Aubrey Gemignani
Chang'e 5China11/23/202012/1/2020Sample ReturnSuccessful
Danuri (Korean Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter)South Korea8/04/202212/16/2022OrbiterSuccessful
Artemis IUSA11/16/202211/21/2022FlybySuccessful; first flight test of the Space Launch System rocket and the Orion capsule
Hakuto-R Mission 1Japan (ispace)12/11/20223/21/2023LanderUnsuccessful
Emirates Lunar MissionUnited Arab Emirates12/11/20223/21/2023RoverUnsuccessful
Chandrayaan-3India07/14/202308/23/2023Lander and RoverSuccessful; First spacecraft to soft land near the lunar South Pole.
Luna 25Russia08/10/202308/19/2023LanderUnsuccessful
SLIMJapan09/06/202312/25/2023Lander and RoverSoft landing, but with limited use of solar panels.
Peregrine Mission 1USA (Astrobotic)01/08/2024N/ALanderUnsuccessful; First launch under NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services program
IM-1USA (Intuitive Machines)02/15/202402/22/2024LanderFirst commercial soft lunar landing. The lander tipped over interfering with communications.
Chang'e 6China05/03/202406/01/2024Sample Return MissionSuccessful. First sample return from the lunar far side.
Blue Ghost 1USA (Firefly Aerospace)02/15/2025Expected 03/02/2025LanderCurrently on its way to the Moon.