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Moon Interactives

Explore the Moon from your screen! The following interactive tools enable you to climb lunar mountains, investigate Apollo samples, and dig beneath the Moon’s surface.

Screen preview of the Moon and labels.

Daily Moon Guide

NASA’s interactive map for observing the Moon each day of the year. Find key sites and landmarks, check out special Moon events throughout the year, and more.

screen view showing the surface of the Moon overlay with enhanced color data.


Visualize, explore, and analyze the lunar surface using real data returned from a growing fleet of spacecraft. View the Moon through the eyes of many different instruments, pilot real-time 3D flyovers above mountains and into craters, and conduct measurements of surface features.

screen view showing render of a satellite flying over the Moon


Fly through the solar system to the Moon in this browser-based 3D visualization tool. Ride alongside past and present space missions.

screen view showing closeup of a Moon rock

Astromaterials 3D

A virtual library for exploration and research of NASA's space rock collections. Explore these remarkable and rare extraterrestrial samples from different origins across our solar system in your hands through interactive 3D models.

screen view showing a closeup view of a Moon crater overlay with enhanced color data


A map viewer of the Moon from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera team. Quickmap is a highly customizable web-based mapping and analysis tool containing data from past and present lunar spacecraft.