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A sprawling landscape of ridges and valleys on Mars.
The Perseverance Rover is parked among the tracks it made in the soil of Mars.
Nine small tubes lay in the shadow of the rover on the surface of Mars.

Mars Exploration Program
Industry Engagement

NASA’s partnerships with U.S. industry are central to advancing the agency’s high-priority science goals.


NASA’s Mars Exploration Program received U.S. industry studies to further understand the potential of Mars commercial services in payload delivery/hosting, telecommunications, and imaging. Program leaders gave an updated presentation and answered questions for the commercial services community on Dec. 4, 2024 — “Exploring Mars Together: Commercial Services Studies”


Dec. 4, 2024Update and Q&A session on “Exploring Mars Together: Commercial Services Studies”
Nov. 7, 2024Commercial Services presentation to the Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group
May 1, 2024Selection of Study Request for Proposal Awardees
Feb. 27, 2024Deadline for RFP Applications
Jan. 29, 2024Release of Industry Studies Request for Proposal (RFP)
For more information about the RFP visit, Exploring Mars Together: Commercial Services Studies
Oct. 16, 2023Questionnaire Due
Sep. 27, 2023Release of MEP Commercial Services Guiding Principles, Design Reference Missions, and Industry Questionnaire

MEP welcomes your recommendations for DRM modifications that would improve clarity, enabling you to respond better to a future potential Industry Studies RFP
December - July 2023MEP Information Gathering & Capabilities Assessment
March 2023Public Release of MEP DRAFT Future Plan
October 2022EP Industry Day (In-Person & Virtual)
April 2022National Academies of Science Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey Released
May 2022Low-Cost Science Mission Concepts for Mars Exploration Workshop