Mars Surface Science Workshops
Mars science community energized to desire engagement in Moon to Mars architecture development
Mars Surface Science Workshops (MSSW)
- Create avenue for organized community involvement and participation in planning as it relates to human exploration of Mars
- Generate referenceable content relevant to the conduct of science by robotic and human explorers on the surface of Mars
- Organizationally inspired by LSSW series, but timescale for human exploration of Mars allows for more structured engagement that encompasses a broader community
- Organizing Board: ESDMD, ESSIO, MEP & MEPAG
- Selection of Facilitating Committee is topic dependent
- NASA HQ liaison assigned to support Facilitating Committee
Topic Determination
- Topics submitted by community, industry, and government through website
- Organizing Board determines priority and order of topics for engagement
- Cadence to review and prioritize topics is every 3-4 months (TBD)
Workshops & Events
- 2-3 engagements per year (TBD)
- Attendance open to public through registration
- Workshop/event format expected to vary, maintain flexibility
- Each workshop/event will have summary report at a minimum
Submit a Topic
Guidelines for submission
Complete the template below as thoroughly as possible; incomplete submissions will be considered. Focus on investigation aspects over specific implementation details. Submit your information by emailing hq-mep@nasa.gov with the template details:
- Submitter/Organizer name(s), affiliation(s), e-mail address(es)
- Suggested topic name
- Brief description of subject matter to be covered
- Goal/Objective of the workshop
- Anticipated format (i.e. 1 time event vs series of events; invited/abstracts/panel)
- Who is the intended audience for a post-workshop white paper or report? (Assumption is that proposers lead this effort, with community assistance and input.)
- Is the workshop time-sensitive? If yes, explain why and provide deadlines for holding workshop and release of report or white paper.
- Please list suggested (do not need to confirm in advance) presenters with affiliations and e-mail addresses.
Science Mission DIrectorate
Planetary Protection in Advance of Human Missions
The Science Mission Directorate is facilitating a series of virtual events aimed at discussing the priority science goals and Planetary Protection knowledge gaps that NASA should address in advance of human presence on the surface of Mars.
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