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Robotic Arm Testing Image #2

In the middle of this picture, the robotic arm is bent at nearly a 90-degree angle, with the instruments on the end of the arm reaching to the right.  Behind the arm is the laboratory where it is being tested. One engineer is hidden behind a bank of computers, while another with a goatee stands watching in the back, beneath a yellow ceiling crane.  Both engineers wear white lab coats.  Metal lab equipment is scattered throughout the room.
February 11, 2010
Credit NASA/JPL-Caltech
  • english

In this picture, the robotic arm for the Mars Science Laboratory is bent at nearly a 90-degree angle. The robotic arm is undergoing testing in a laboratory at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. The arm and tools will reach out and test martian rocks and soil. This arm is identical to the flight hardware that will actually be attached to Curiosity.