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Moons: Facts

Our solar system has hundreds of moons. Even some asteroids have moons.


Moons – also called natural satellites – come in many shapes, sizes and types. They are generally solid bodies, and few have atmospheres. Most planetary moons probably formed out the discs of gas and dust circulating around planets in the early solar system.

There are hundreds of moons in our solar system – even asteroids have been found to have small companion moons. Of the terrestrial (rocky) planets of the inner solar system, neither Mercury nor Venus have any moons at all, Earth has one and Mars has its two small moons. In the outer solar system, the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn and the ice giants Uranus and Neptune have dozens of moons. As these planets grew in the early solar system, they were able to capture smaller objects with their large gravitational fields.

How Moons Get Their Names

Every moon discovered in the modern era gets a number first. For example, S/2009 S1 was the first satellite discovered at Saturn in 2009. The most significant moons get an official name. Most moons in our solar system are named for mythological characters from a wide variety of cultures. Newer moons discovered at Saturn, for example, are named for Norse mythology such as Bergelmir, a giant. Uranus is the exception. Uranus’ moons are named for characters in William Shakespeare’s plays with destinations such as Ophelia and Puck in orbit. Other Uranian moon names were chosen from Alexander Pope’s poetry (Belinda and Ariel).

Moons of the Inner Solar System

Earth’s Moon probably formed when a large body about the size of Mars collided with Earth, ejecting a lot of material from our planet into orbit. Debris from the early Earth and the impacting body accumulated to form the Moon approximately 4.5 billion years ago (the age of the oldest collected lunar rocks). Twelve American astronauts landed on the Moon during NASA’s Apollo program from 1969 to 1972, studying the Moon and bringing back rock samples.

Usually the term moon brings to mind a spherical object, like Earth’s Moon. The two moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, are different. While both have nearly circular orbits and travel close to the plane of the planet’s equator, they are lumpy and dark. Phobos is slowly drawing closer to Mars and could crash into the planet in 40 or 50 million years. Or the planet’s gravity might break Phobos apart, creating a thin ring around Mars.

Moons of the Giant Planets

Jupiter’s menagerie of moons includes the largest in the solar system (Ganymede), an ocean moon (Europa) and a volcanic moon (Io). Many of Jupiter’s outer moons have highly elliptical orbits and orbit backwards (opposite to the spin of the planet). Saturn, Uranus and Neptune also have some irregular moons, which orbit far from their respective planets.

Saturn has two ocean moons – Enceladus and Titan. Both have subsurface oceans and Titan also has surface seas of lakes of ethane and methane. The chunks of ice and rock in Saturn’s rings (and the particles in the rings of the other outer planets) are not considered moons, yet embedded in Saturn’s rings are distinct moons or moonlets. These shepherd moons help keep the rings in line. Titan, the second largest in the solar system, is the only moon with a thick atmosphere.

In the realm of the ice giants, Uranus’s inner moons appear to be about half water ice and half rock. Miranda is the most unusual; its chopped-up appearance shows the scars of impacts of large rocky bodies.

Neptune’s moon Triton is as big as Pluto and orbits backwards compared with Neptune’s direction of rotation.

Moons of Dwarf Planets

Pluto’s large moon Charon is about half the size of Pluto. Like Earth’s Moon, Charon may have formed from debris resulting from an early collision of an impactor with Pluto. Scientists using the Hubble Space Telescope to study Pluto found four more small moons.

Eris, another dwarf planet even more distant than Pluto, has a small moon of its own, named Dysnomia. Haumea, another dwarf planet, has two satellites, Hi’iaka and Namaka. Ceres, the closest dwarf planet to the Sun, has no moons.

More Moons

Scientists weren’t sure if asteroids could hold moons in their orbits until the Galileo spacecraft flew past asteroid Ida in 1993. Images revealed a tiny moon, later named Dactyl. Astronomers have since located more than 450 moons orbiting the asteroids and trans-Neptunian objects.

This image from the Galileo spacecraft shows a tiny moon in orbit around a huge asteroid.
This color picture is made from images taken by the Galileo spacecraft about 14 minutes before its closest approach to asteroid Ida on August 28, 1993.

Full List: Moons Orbiting Planets and Dwarf Planets in Our Solar System

Discoverer(s)/spacecraft missionReferences
Earth: 1
The MoonNot RecordedKnown to AncientsIAU WGPSN
Satellites of Mars: 2
IPhobos1877A. HallIAU WGPSN
IIDeimos1877A. HallIAU WGPSN
Satellites of Jupiter: 95
IIo1610GalileoIAU WGPSN
IIEuropa1610GalileoIAU WGPSN
IIIGanymede1610GalileoIAU WGPSN
IVCallisto1610GalileoIAU WGPSN
VAmalthea1892E.E. BarnardIAU WGPSN
VIHimalia1904C.D. PerrineIAU WGPSN
VIIElara1905C.D. PerrineIAU WGPSN
VIIIPasiphae1908P.J. MelotteIAU WGPSN
IXSinope1914S.B. NicholsonIAU WGPSN
XLysithea1938S.B. NicholsonIAU WGPSN
XICarme1938S.B. NicholsonIAU WGPSN
XIIAnanke1951S.B. NicholsonIAU WGPSN
XIVThebeS/1979 J21979Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
XVAdrasteaS/1979 J11979Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
XVIMetisS/1979 J31979Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
XVIICallirrhoeS/1999 J11999J.V. Scotti, T.B. Spahr, R.S. McMillan, J.A. Larsen, J. Montani, A.E. Gleason, T. GehrelsIAUC 7460
XVIIIThemistoS/1975 J1 = S/2000 J11975, 2000C.T. Kowal, E. Roemer (1975), S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, G. Magnier (2000)IAUC 7525
XIXMegacliteS/2000 J82000S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, G. MagnierIAUC 7555
XXTaygeteS/2000 J92000S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, G. MagnierIAUC 7555
XXIChaldeneS/2000 J102000S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, G. MagnierIAUC 7555
XXIIHarpalykeS/2000 J52000S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, G. MagnierIAUC 7555
XXIIIKalykeS/2000 J22000S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, G. MagnierIAUC 7555
XXIVIocasteS/2000 J32000S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, G. MagnierIAUC 7555
XXVErinomeS/2000 J42000S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, G. MagnierIAUC 7555
XXVIIsonoeS/2000 J62000S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, G. MagnierIAUC 7555
XXVIIPraxidikeS/2000 J72000S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y.R. Fernandez, G. MagnierIAUC 7555
XXVIIIAutonoeS/2001 J12001S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2002-J54
XXIXThyoneS/2001 J22001S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2002-J54
XXXHermippeS/2001 J32001S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2002-J54
XXXIAitneS/2001 J112001S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2002-J54
XXXIIEurydomeS/2001 J42001S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2002-J54
XXXIIIEuantheS/2001 J72001S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2002-J54
XXXIVEuporieS/2001 J102001S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2002-J54
XXXVOrthosieS/2001 J92001S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2002-J54
XXXVISpondeS/2001 J52001S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2002-J54
XXXVIIKaleS/2001 J82001S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2002-J54
XXXVIIIPasitheeS/2001 J62001S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2002-J54
XXXIXHegemoneS/2003 J82003S.S. SheppardIAUC 8088
XLMnemeS/2003 J212003B. Gladman, L. AllenIAUC 8138
XLIAoedeS/2003 J72003S.S. SheppardIAUC 8087
XLIIThelxinoeS/2003 J222003S.S. SheppardIAUC 8276
XLIIIArcheS/2002 J12002S.S. SheppardIAUC 8035
XLIVKallichoreS/2003 J112003S.S. SheppardIAUC 8089
XLVHelikeS/2003 J62003S.S. SheppardIAUC 8087
XLVICarpoS/2003 J202003S.S. SheppardIAUC 8125
XLVIIEukeladeS/2003 J12003S.S. SheppardIAUC 8087
XLVIIICylleneS/2003 J132003S.S. SheppardIAUC 8116
XLIXKoreS/2003 J142003S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8116
LHerseS/2003 J172003B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, and L. AllenIAUC 8116
LIS/2010 J12010R. Jacobson, M. Brozovic, B. Gladman, M. AlexandersenIAUC 9222
LIIS/2010 J22010C. VeilletIAUC 9222
LIIIDiaS/2000 J112000S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, Y. Fernandez, G. MagnierIAUC 7555
LIVS/2016 J12016S.S. SheppardMPEC 2017-L08
LVS/2003 J182003B. GladmanIAUC 8116
LVIS/2011 J22011S.S. SheppardCBET 3002/IAUC 9252
LVIIEireneS/2003 J52003S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, and J. KleynaIAUC 8087
LVIIIPhilophrosyneS/2003 J152003S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, and J. KleynaIAUC 8116
LIXS/2017 J12017S.S. SheppardMPEC 2017-L47
LXEuphemeS/2003 J32003S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, and J. KleynaIAUC 8087
LXIS/2003 J192003B. GladmanIAUC 8125
LXIIValetudoS/2016 J22016S.S. SheppardMPEC 2018-O09
LXIIIS/2017 J22017S.S. SheppardMPEC 2018-O10
LXIVS/2017 J32017S.S. SheppardMPEC 2018-O11
LXVPandiaS/2017 J42017S.S. SheppardMPEC 2018-O12
LXVIS/2017 J52017S.S. SheppardMPEC 2018-O13
LXVIIS/2017 J62017S.S. SheppardMPEC 2018-O14
LXVIIIS/2017 J72017S.S. SheppardMPEC 2018-O15
LXIXS/2017 J82017S.S. SheppardMPEC 2018-O16
LXXS/2017 J92017S.S. SheppardMPEC 2018-O17
LXXIErsaS/2018 J12018S.S. SheppardMPEC 2018-O18
LXXIIS/2011 J12011S.S. SheppardCBET 3002/IAUC 9252
S/2003 J22003S.S. SheppardIAUC 8087
S/2003 J42003S.S. SheppardIAUC 8087
S/2003 J92003S.S. SheppardIAUC 8089
S/2003 J102003S.S. SheppardIAUC 8089
S/2003 J122003S.S. SheppardIAUC 8089
S/2003 J162003B. GladmanIAUC 8116
S/2003 J232003S.S. SheppardIAUC 8281
S/2003 J242003S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, B.J. Gladman, C. VeilletMPEC 2021-V333
S/2011 J32011S.S. SheppardMPEC 2022-Y69
S/2016 J32016S.S. SheppardMPEC 2023-A13
S/2016 J42016S.S. SheppardMPEC 2023-B96
S/2018 J22018S.S. SheppardMPEC 2022-Y68
S/2018 J32018S.S. SheppardMPEC 2023-B38
S/2018 J42018S.S. SheppardMPEC 2023-B51
S/2021 J12021S.S. SheppardMPEC 2023-A14
S/2021 J22021S.S. SheppardMPEC 2023-B37
S/2021 J32021S.S. SheppardMPEC 2023-B39
S/2021 J42021S.S. SheppardMPEC 2023-B40
S/2021 J52021S.S. Sheppard, D.J. Tholen, C. TrujilloMPEC 2023-B41
S/2021 J62021S.S. Sheppard, D.J. Tholen, C. TrujilloMPEC 2023-B50
S/2022 J12022S.S. SheppardMPEC 2023-D44
S/2022 J22022S.S. SheppardMPEC 2023-D45
S/2022 J32022S.S. SheppardMPEC 2023-D46
Satellites of Saturn: 146
IMimas1789W. HerschelIAU WGPSN
IIEnceladus1789W. HerschelIAU WGPSN
IIITethys1684G.D. CassiniIAU WGPSN
IVDione1684G.D. CassiniIAU WGPSN
VRhea1672G.D. CassiniIAU WGPSN
VITitan1655C. HuygensIAU WGPSN
VIIHyperion1848W.C Bond, G.P. Bond, W. LassellIAU WGPSN
VIIIIapetus1671G.D. CassiniIAU WGPSN
IXPhoebe1898W.H. PickeringIAU WGPSN
XJanusS/1980 S11966, 1980A. Dollfus (1966), D. Pascu (1980)IAU WGPSN
XIEpimetheusS/1980 S31977, 1980J. Fountain, S. Larson (1977), D. Cruikshank (1980)IAU WGPSN
XIIHeleneS/1980 S61980P. Laques and J. LecacheuxIAU WGPSN
XIIITelestoS/1980 S131980B.A. Smith, H. Reitsema, S.M. Larson, J. FountainIAU WGPSN
XIVCalypsoS/1980 S251980D. Pascu, P.K. Seidelmann, W. Baum, D. CurrieIAU WGPSN
XVAtlasS/1980 S281980Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
XVIPrometheusS/1980 S271980Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
XVIIPandoraS/1980 S261980Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
XVIIIPanS/1981 S131990M.R. ShowalterIAU WGPSN
XIXYmirS/2000 S12000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7512
XXPaaliaqS/2000 S22000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7512
XXITarvosS/2000 S42000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7513
XXIIIjiraqS/2000 S62000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7521
XXIIISuttungrS/2000 S122000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7548
XXIVKiviuqS/2000 S52000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7521
XXVMundilfariS/2000 S92000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7538
XXVIAlbiorixS/2000 S112000M. HolmanIAUC 7545
XXVIISkathiS/2000 S82000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7538
XXVIIIErriapusS/2000 S102000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7539
XXIXSiarnaqS/2000 S32000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7513
XXXThrymrS/2000 S72000B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. Scholl, M. Holman, B.G. Marsden, P. Nicholson, J.A. BurnsIAUC 7538
XXXINarviS/2003 S12003S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, and J. KleynaIAUC 8116
XXXIIMethoneS/2004 S12004Cassini Imaging Science TeamIAUC 8389
XXXIIIPalleneS/2004 S22004Cassini Imaging Science TeamIAUC 8389
XXXIVPolydeucesS/2004 S52004Cassini Imaging Science TeamIAUC 8432
XXXVDaphnisS/2005 S12005Cassini Imaging Science TeamIAUC 8524
XXXVIAegirS/2004 S102004S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
XXXVIIBebhionnS/2004 S112004S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
XXXVIIIBergelmirS/2004 S152004S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
XXXIXBestlaS/2004 S182004S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
XLFarbautiS/2004 S92004S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
XLIFenrirS/2004 S162004S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
XLIIFornjotS/2004 S82004S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
XLIIIHatiS/2004 S142004S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
XLIVHyrrokkinS/2004 S192004S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8727
XLVKariS/2006 S22006S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8727
XLVILogeS/2006 S52006S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8727
XLVIISkollS/2006 S82006S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8727
XLVIIISurturS/2006 S72006S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8727
XLIXAntheS/2007 S42007Cassini Imaging Science TeamIAUC 8857
LJarnsaxaS/2006 S62006S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8727
LIGreipS/2006 S42006S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8727
LIITarqeqS/2007 S12007S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8836
LIIIAegaeonS/2008 S12008Cassini Imaging Science TeamIAUC 9023
LIVGridrS/2004 S202004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T126
LVAngrbodaS/2004 S222004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T128
LVISkrymirS/2004 S232004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T129
LVIIGerdS/2004 S252004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T132
LVIIIS/2004 S262004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T133
LIXEggtherS/2004 S272004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T134
LXS/2004 S292004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T136
LXIBeliS/2004 S302004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T137
LXIIGunnlodS/2004 S322004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T154
LXIIIThiazziS/2004 S332004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T155
LXIVS/2004 S342004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T156
LXVAlvaldiS/2004 S352004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T157
LXVIGeirrodS/2004 S382004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T160
S/2004 S72005D. Jewitt, S. Sheppard, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
S/2004 S122005D. Jewitt, S. Sheppard, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
S/2004 S132005D. Jewitt, S. Sheppard, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
S/2004 S172005D. Jewitt, S. Sheppard, J. KleynaIAUC 8523
S/2004 S212004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T127
S/2004 S242004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T131
S/2004 S282004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T135
S/2004 S312004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T153
S/2004 S362004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T158
S/2004 S372004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T159
S/2004 S392004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2019-T161
S/2004 S402004D.C. Jewitt, S.S. Sheppard, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J24
S/2004 S412004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J37
S/2004 S422004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J41
S/2004 S432004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J45
S/2004 S442004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J46
S/2004 S452004D.C. Jewitt, S.S. Sheppard, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J47
S/2004 S462004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J60
S/2004 S472004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J62
S/2004 S482004D.C. Jewitt, S.S. Sheppard, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J166
S/2004 S492004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J168
S/2004 S502004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J169
S/2004 S512004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J177
S/2004 S522004D.C. Jewitt, S.S. Sheppard, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J179
S/2004 S532004S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-K03
S/2005 S42005S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J79
S/2005 S52005S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J85
S/2006 S12006S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8727
S/2006 S32006S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8727
S/2006 S92006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J22
S/2006 S102006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J42
S/2006 S112006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J48
S/2006 S122006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J49
S/2006 S132006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J56
S/2006 S142006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J64
S/2006 S152006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J163
S/2006 S162006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J164
S/2006 S172006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J165
S/2006 S182006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J170
S/2006 S192006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J176
S/2006 S202006S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-K118
S/2007 S22007S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8836
S/2007 S32007S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8836
S/2007 S52007S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J34
S/2007 S62007S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J40
S/2007 S72007S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaMPEC 2023-J80
S/2007 S82007S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J81
S/2007 S92007S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-K02
S/2009 S12009Cassini Imaging Science TeamIAUC 9091
S/2019 S12019E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, C. Veillet, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2021-W14
S/2019 S22019E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J25
S/2019 S32019E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J26
S/2019 S42019E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J36
S/2019 S52019E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J43
S/2019 S62019E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J55
S/2019 S72019E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J57
S/2019 S82019E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J58
S/2019 S92019S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J59
S/2019 S102019E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J61
S/2019 S112019S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J63
S/2019 S122019E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J67
S/2019 S132019E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J69
S/2019 S142019E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J83
S/2019 S152019E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J84
S/2019 S162019E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J171
S/2019 S172019S.S. Sheppard, , D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J172
S/2019 S182019S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J173
S/2019 S192019E.J. Ashton, B.J. GladmanMPEC 2023-J174
S/2019 S202019E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J175
S/2019 S212019S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-K05
S/2020 S12020S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J21
S/2020 S22020E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J27
S/2020 S32020E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J35
S/2020 S42020E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J38
S/2020 S52020E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J39
S/2020 S62020E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J68
S/2020 S72020E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J82
S/2020 S82020S.S Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. Kleyna, E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J167
S/2020 S92020E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-J178
S/2020 S102020E.J. Ashton, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, M. AlexandersenMPEC 2023-K04
Satellites of Uranus: 27
IAriel1851W. LassellIAU WGPSN
IIUmbriel1851W. LassellIAU WGPSN
IIITitania1787W. HerschelIAU WGPSN
IVOberon1787W. HerschelIAU WGPSN
VMiranda1948G. KuiperIAU WGPSN
VICordeliaS/1986 U71986Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
VIIOpheliaS/1986 U81986Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
VIIIBiancaS/1986 U91986Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
IXCressidaS/1986 U31986Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
XDesdemonaS/1986 U61986Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
XIJulietS/1986 U21986Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
XIIPortiaS/1986 U11986Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
XIIIRosalindS/1986 U41986Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
XIVBelindaS/1986 U51986Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
XVPuckS/1985 U11985Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
XVICalibanS/1997 U11997B.J. Gladman, P.D. Nicholson, J.A. Burns, J.J. KavelaarsIAU WGPSN
XVIISycoraxS/1997 U21997P.D. Nicholson, B.J. Gladman, J.A. Burns, J.J. KavelaarsIAU WGPSN
XVIIIProsperoS/1999 U31999M. Holman, J.J. Kavelaars, B. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, H. SchollIAUC 7248
XIXSetebosS/1999 U11999J.J. Kavelaars, B. Gladman, M. Holman, J.-M. Petit, H. SchollIAUC 7230
XXStephanoS/1999 U21999B. Gladman, M. Holman, J.J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, H. SchollIAUC 7230
XXITrinculoS/2001 U12001M. Holman, J.J. Kavelaars, D. MilisavljevicIAUC 7980
XXIIFranciscoS/2001 U32001J.J. Kavelaars, M. Holman, D. Milisavljevic, T. GravIAUC 8216, IAUC 7980
XXIIIMargaretS/2003 U32003S.S. Sheppard, D.C. JewittIAUC 8217
XXIVFerdinandS/2001 U22001D. Milisavljevic, M. Holman, J.J. Kavelaars, T. GravIAUC 8213
XXVPerditaS/1986 U101986E. KarkoschkaIAUC 7171
XXVIMabS/2003 U12003M.R. Showalter, J.J. LissauerIAUC 8209
XXVIICupidS/2003 U22003M.R. Showalter, J.J. LissauerIAUC 8209
Satellites of Neptune: 14
ITriton1846W. LassellIAU WGPSN
IINereid1949G.P. KuiperIAU WGPSN
IIINaiadS/1989 N61989Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
IVThalassaS/1989 N51989Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
VDespinaS/1989 N31989Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
VIGalateaS/1989 N41989Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
VIILarissaS/1989 N21989Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
VIIIProteusS/1989 N11989Voyager Science TeamIAU WGPSN
IXHalimedeS/2002 N12002M. Holman, J.J. Kavelaars, T. Grav, W. Fraser, D. MilisavljevicIAUC 8047
XPsamatheS/2003 N12003S.S. Sheppard, D.C. Jewitt, J. KleynaIAUC 8193
XISaoS/2002 N22002T. Grav, M. Holman, J. Kavelaars, W. Fraser, D. MilisavljevicIAUC 8047
XIILaomedeiaS/2002 N32002J. Kavelaars, M. Holman, T. Grav, W. Fraser, D. MilisavljevicIAUC 8047
XIIINesoS/2002 N42002M. Holman, J. Kavelaars, T. Grav, W. Fraser, D. MilisavljevicIAUC 8213
XIVHippocampS/2004 N12013M.R. Showalter, I. de Pater, J.J. Lissauer, R.S. FrenchCBET 3586
Satellites of Dwarf Planet Pluto: 5
ICharonS/1978 P11978J.W. ChristyIAU WGPSN
IINixS/2005 P22005H.A. Weaver, S.A. Stern, M.J. Mutchler, A.J. Steffl, M.W. Buie, W.J. Merline, J.R. Spencer, E.F. Young, L.A. YoungIAUC 8625
IIIHydraS/2005 P12005H.A. Weaver, S.A. Stern, M.J. Mutchler, A.J. Steffl, M.W. Buie, W.J. Merline, J.R. Spencer, E.F. Young, L.A. YoungIAUC 8625
IVKerberosS/2011 (134340) 12011M.R. Showalter, D.P. Hamilton, S.A. Stern, H.A. Weaver, A.J. Steffl, L.A. YoungIAUC 9221
VStyxS/2012 (134340) 12012M.R. Showalter, H.A. Weaver, S.A. Stern, A.J. Steffl, M.W. Buie, W.J. Merline, M.J. Mutchler, R. Soummer, H.B. ThroopIAUC 9253
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