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Saturn and Titan Resources

Explore this page for a curated collection of resources, including activities that can be done at home, as well as videos, animations, posters, and online interactives. This resource package is suitable for educators, students, and anyone interested in learning more about Saturn and Titan!

A small crescent shaped orb is shown in front of a larger shadowy grey curved surface.

Discover Saturn

In addition to the resources on this page, follow along with updates on Saturn and Titan science and upcoming missions through @NASASolarSystem on your preferred social media platform.


Dragonfly Mission to Titan

Advancing our search for the building blocks of life, NASA's Dragonfly rotorcraft-lander will make multiple flights to sample and examine sites around Saturn's exotic moon, Titan. The mission is scheduled to launch in July of 2028 and arrive at Titan by 2034.

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A shiny spacecraft sits on a red-brown sandy surface. Sand dunes are shown rising high in the distance.
An illustration of the Dragonfly rotorcraft-lander on the surface of Titan, Saturn's largest moon and a major target in NASA's quest to assess habitability and search for potential signs of life beyond Earth.
NASA/JHU-APL/Steve Gribben

Saturn and Titan Videos

A zoomed-in view of Saturn's rings. The rings stretch from the upper-right to the lower-left. A portion of the planet's disk is visible in the upper-right corner. The rings appear in shades of white, beige, and grey. Saturn is a washed-out yellow with darker bands in muted tones of green, orange, and grey.

Exploring the Origins of Saturn's Rings and Moons

Saturn's rings and icy moons may have formed following a massive collision between two moons orbiting the gas giant, based on current supercomputer simulations.

Detailed color view of Saturn's rings.

Saturn's Rings Are Acting Strange

Since their discovery by NASA's Voyager mission in the 1980s, temporary "spoke" features across Saturn's rings have fascinated scientists, yet eluded explanation.

The colorful globe of Saturn's largest moon, Titan, passes in front of the planet and its rings in this true color snapshot from NASA's Cassini spacecraft.

Building Blocks for Surviving Titan

Learn how Saturn's moon Titan is expanding our understanding of the chemical complexity of the solar system and the potential for life in the universe.

This artist's concept of a lake at the north pole of Saturn's moon Titan illustrates raised rims and rampartlike features such as those seen by NASA's Cassini spacecraft around the moon's Winnipeg Lacus.

What You Need to Know About Saturn's Moon Titan

Earth is not the only place in the solar system with rain, rivers, lakes, and seas. Saturn's moon Titan has them, too – not of water, but of liquid methane and ethane.

Dragonfly Mission Videos

Dragonfly Mission to Saturn's Moon Titan

Learn about the Dragonfly mission to Titan: How we'll get there, what we'll do there, and how it could teach us about the building blocks of life.

Two molecule diagrams are shown in front of two peaks in a histogram.

The Science of Dragonfly

Discover how Dragonfly's suite of science instruments will investigate the chemistry and habitability of Titan.

Cassini Mission Videos

Spacecraft heating up in Saturn's atmosphere.

Farewell to Saturn: Highlights from the End of NASA's Cassini Mission

On Sept. 15, 2017, the Cassini spacecraft plunged into Saturn, ending its 20-year mission of discovery. Learn more about the mission's end in this video.

Artwork of Cassini spacecraft and Saturn

NASA at Saturn: Cassini's Grand Finale

The final chapter in a remarkable mission of exploration and discovery, Cassini's Grand Finale was, in many ways, like a brand new mission.

Cassini's Infrared Saturn

Learn how the Cassini spacecraft used its Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) instrument to study Saturn and its moons in heat radiation.

Featured Story

NASA’s Hubble Celebrates Decade of Tracking Outer Planets

Encountering Neptune in 1989, NASA’s Voyager mission completed humankind’s first close-up exploration of the four giant outer planets of our…

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A half circle, with turquoise cracks across the left side its pale blue surface. Craters are shown along its middle and lower right sides.

Exploring the Universe: Ice Orbs

Learn how NASA planetary scientists are probing ocean worlds in the outer solar system, searching for evidence of liquid water and possible signs of life beneath the icy surface. Put what you learn into practice by investigating a frozen sphere using various tools to learn about objects hidden inside. This activity can be adapted to include whatever materials you may already have on hand.

Note: This activity is also available in Spanish.

Make a Planet Mask!

Learn about the planets in our solar system, and make your very own wearable planet mask.

A global view of Saturn showing its yellow-brown structure. Its light-colored rings surround it.

Make a CD Saturn

You can make a neat model of the planet Saturn and its rings using some common craft materials.

Photo of assembled paper model of Cassini spacecraft

Cassini Paper Spacecraft Model

Make your very own paper model of the Cassini spacecraft!

Additional Resources

The background is mostly dark. At the center is a dark orange-brown circle, surrounded by several blazing bright, thick, horizontal whiteish rings. This is Saturn and its rings. There are three tiny dots in the image—one to the upper left of the planet, one to the direct left of the planet, and the lower left of the planet. These are three of Saturn’s moons: Dione, Enceladus, and Tethys, respectively. There is a slightly darker tint at the northern and southern poles of the planet. The rings surrounding Saturn are mostly broad, with a few singular narrow gaps between the broader rings. There is an innermost, thicker ring, and next to that is a brighter, wider ring. Traveling farther outward, there is a small dark gap before another thicker ring. In the thicker ring, there is a narrow faint band. There is then an outermost, faintest, thinnest ring.

Saturn's Rings Shine in Webb's Observations of Ringed Planet

Check out this blog from NASA's James Webb Space Telescope that highlights Webb's first near-infrared observations of Saturn, and the science we are learning from them.

Solar System and Beyond Poster Set

This NASA poster set showcases the beauty of our solar system and beyond.

Graphic showing the relative altitudes of Cassini's final five passes

NASA Cassini Graphics

Search this gallery for a variety of Cassini-related videos, images, graphics, and posters.

The Saturn System Through the Eyes of Cassini (e-Book)

This NASA e-Book celebrates Saturn as seen through the eyes of the Cassini spacecraft.

The icy white surface of a moon in space is completely covered in wrinkles, folds, and fractures, some appearing bluish in color.

NASA's Solar System Treks

NASA Solar System Treks are online, browser-based portals that allow you to explore the surfaces of other worlds using real data returned from a growing fleet of spacecraft. Visit Titan and Enceladus now!

Illustration of Cassini spacecraft during its Saturn Orbit Insertion burn in 2004 using Eyes on the Solar System

NASA's Eyes on the Solar System

A 3D environment full of real NASA mission data. Hop on an asteroid, fly with NASA spacecraft, see the entire solar system moving in real-time, and more. You control space and time.