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APD Responses to Decadal

The following table provides a snapshot of Astrophysics Division accomplishments and plans in response to the 2020 decadal survey “Pathways to Discovery in Astronomy and Astrophysics for the 2020s”. We employ the shorthand notation used in the report’s tables S-1 through S-6 for the recommendation name. The column titled APD Response briefly indicates the current plan or strategy for that recommendation. The final two columns list where documentation for the APD action can be found and when the next update on that recommendation will be reported if appropriate.

Brief Recommendation Description (from report Tables S-1 through S-6)APD ResponseLatest Action Date/Community Update LinksNext Planned Action Date/Community Update
Faculty diversity and early career faculty awardsAPD may seek new initiatives through the FY25 budget processRelease of President’s FY25 Budget Request for NASA (Mar 2024)
Workforce development/diversity, bridge programs and minority serving institutions partnershipsAPD will participate in the SMD bridge programCall for SMD Bridge Seed Funding 4/24/2023SMD Bridge: Seed grant 4th call and 1st full-bridge call expected no earlier than 09/24
Undergraduate and graduate "traineeship" fundingAPD may seek new initiatives through the FY25 budget processRelease of President’s FY25 Budget Request for NASA (Mar 2024)
Independent postdoc fellowshipNASA supports postdoctoral researchers through its Hubble Fellowships and the NASA Postdoctoral ProgramSee the Hubble Fellowship ReportWinter AAS243 meeting charts
Treat discrimination and harassment as professional misconductThe NASA Office of the Chief Scientist preparing to publish agency-wide policy update on this topicOSTP has reviewed and approved agency policy NASA Policy Directive No. 1920 (NPD1920)Online publication of NPD 1920 expected Q1 2024.
Collecting, evaluating and reporting demographic data and indicators pertaining to equitable outcomesRegular reports for R&A program demographics are presented at Astrophysics Advisory Council (APAC) meetings as well as Winter and Summer AAS meetingsSee charts presented at
10/19-20/2023 APAC meeting

Summary of the 2022 Annapolis

APD Technology
Development / Small
Mission Balance

TDAMM Initiative
and ACROSS Pilot Project
Winter AAS243 meeting charts
Establish community astronomy model for observatory sitesIRTF participating through Maunakea Observatories, Cultural Heritage of Maunakea
Mitigation of radio-frequency and optical interference from sources including satellite constellationsThe NASA Science Mission Directorate monitors and mitigates risks for the agency associated with satellite constellation interactions with NASA science missions. This ongoing effort includes monitoring the increased danger from satellite conjunctions, satellites in the field of view for celestial observations, and interference from satellites that fly under active-sensing Earth-observing missions (e.g., laser and lidar).
Climate change mitigations actionsThe Astrophysics Division is guided by the NASA Climate Action plan.
Additionally, most proposal reviews are conducted remotely, reducing travel requirements for thousands of reviewers annually. Almost all NASA meetings for projects and missions have hybrid participation.
Compile and regularly report on proposal submissions and success ratesR&A submission and success rates reported regularly at APAC and AAS meetings.See charts presented at 6/27-28/2023 APAC meeting

Summary of the 2022 Annapolis

APD Technology
Development / Small
Mission Balance

TDAMM Initiative
and ACROSS Pilot Project
Winter AAS243 meeting charts
Augmentation and restoration of annual proposal call for ATPPlans reflected in budget requests
Improve coordination among U.S. data centers supported by NSF and NASANASA and NSF are planning an initial workshop on the topic"The Future of Astrophysical Data Infrastructure” workshop was held Feb 13-16. A ‘Roadmap’ report is available. A Windows on the Universe meeting was held Oct 16-18, 2023 and the resulting white paper is available.Future, more specialized workshops on each stage of the Data Lifecycle are being organized.
Augmentation and improved coordination of laboratory astrophysics fundingJoint Laboratory Astrophysics study with NSFJoint Laboratory Astrophysics study reportNASA and NSF will coordinate a report response, Fall 2024
End SOFIA operations by 2023SOFIA operations endedNASA's Press Release 9/29/2022Action complete
Augmentation to NASA R&A program Plans reflected in budget requestsSee Fiscal 2024 President's Budget Request for NASAWinter AAS243 meeting charts
Continue SAT program and expand eligibility to Explorer and Probe mission developmentSAT program will continue but will not cover Explorer programs by design. Explorer mission technology development is funded through the APRA program.Action complete
Review balloon program for optimal balanceBalloon Program review process begun. Final report due 3/2024See charts presented at
10/19-20/2023 APAC meeting

Summary of the 2022 Annapolis

APD Technology
Development / Small
Mission Balance

TDAMM Initiative
and ACROSS Pilot Project
Winter AAS243 meeting charts
Great Observatories Mission and Technology Maturation programFirst flagship to enter this process underwayHWO WebsiteWinter AAS meeting charts
Near-IR/Opt/UV telescope with high-contrast imaging capability(part of HWO)
TDAMMAPD formulating plans for how its current and future programs will enhance the community's capability to perform time domain and multi-messenger astrophysicsSee charts presented at
10/19-20/2023 APAC meeting

Summary of the 2022 Annapolis

APD Technology
Development / Small
Mission Balance

TDAMM Initiative
and ACROSS Pilot Project
Winter AAS243 meeting charts
Probe Missions ProgramProbe Announcement of Opportunity issuedProposals Received November 16, 2023CSRs due Nov. 15, 2025