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Basics of Spaceflight: Units of Measure

Units of Measure

If you don't find the term you're looking for here, look in the Glossary.

In the Basics of Space Flight, most abbreviations for units of measure are not spelled out the first time they are used, unlike the way other abbreviations are. They are all listed on this page instead.

The first list contains abbreviations you'll find most frequently in the Basics of Space Flight. Below it you'll find some of the International System of Units, SI, and a link to the The National Institute of Standards for complete details. Next is a selection of formulas for converting SI to English measures, a link to a conversions engine, and a link to a comprehensive set of conversion tables.

1. Unit Abbreviations Frequently Found in the Text

auAstronomical Unit, a measure of distance, based on the mean Sun-Earth distance. The International Astronomical Union defines the AU as the distance from the Sun at which a particle of negligible mass, in an unperturbed orbit, would have an orbital period of 365.2568983 days (a Gaussian year). The AU is thus defined as 1.4959787066E+11m (149,597,870.66 km). [More]
bpsBits per second, a measure of data rate
cSpeed of light in a vacuum, 299,792,458 m/sec
GGiga, a multiplier,* x109 from the Latin "gigas" (giant). In the U.S., 109 is a billion, while in other countries using SI, 1012 is a billion. Giga means 109 everywhere.
gGram, a unit of mass (see SI units below)
HzHertz, the number of cycles per second
kKilo, a multiplier,* x103 from the Greek "khilioi" (thousand)
LYLight Year, a measure of distance, the distance light travels in one year; about 63,240 au
MMega, a multiplier,* x106 from the Greek "megas" (great)
mMeter, a unit of length (USA spelling; elsewhere, metre) (see SI units below)
NNewton, a unit of force (see SI units with special names, below)
sSecond, the SI unit of time (see this extensive definition)
WWatt, a unit of power (see SI units with special names, below)

* The remaining multipliers are listed in the GLOSSARY.

2. International System of Units, SI

SI has long been the notation universally used in science and technology. It has also become the dominant language of international commerce and trade, except in the U.S.

Base quantityNameSymbol
SI base unit
electric currentampereA
thermodynamic temperature kelvinK
amount of substancemolemol
luminous intensitycandelacd
SI Unit

For a comprehensive and definitive reference on all aspects of SI, as well as many other quantities and standards, please visit the National Institute of Standards (NIST) website. Some of the information on this page has been obtained from there.

See also the Solar System Temperature Reference for examples and temperature comparisons of objects and conditions in space, from absolute zero through planet temperatures, to those of stars.

Some Derived SI Quantities

Selected from NIST website

Derived quantityNameSymbol
SI derived unit
areasquare meterm2
volumecubic meterm3
speed, velocitymeter per secondm/s
accelerationmeter per second squared
(meter per second per second)
wave numberreciprocal meterm-1
mass densitykilogram per cubic meterkg/m3
specific volumecubic meter per kilogramm3/kg
current densityampere per square meterA/m2
magnetic field strength ampere per meterA/m

SI Units with Special Names

Selected from NIST website

Derived quantityNameSymbol Expression
in terms of
other SI units
in terms of
SI base units
SI derived unit
plane angleradian rad -m·m-1 = 1
solid anglesteradiansr -m2·m-2 = 1
frequencyhertzHz -s-1
forcenewtonN -m·kg·s-2
pressure, stresspascalPaN/m2m-1·kg·s-2
energy, work, quantity of heat jouleJN·mm2·kg·s-2
power, radiant fluxwattWJ/sm2·kg·s-3
electric charge, quantity of electricitycoulombC -s·A
electric potential difference,
electromotive force
electric resistanceohmOmegaV/Am2·kg·s-3·A-2
electric conductancesiemensSA/Vm-2·kg-1·s3·A2
magnetic fluxweberWbV·sm2·kg·s-2·A-1
magnetic flux densityteslaTWb/m2kg·s-2·A-1
Celsius temperaturedegree Celsius°C -K
luminous fluxlumenlmcd·sr m2·m-2·cd = cd
illuminanceluxlxlm/m2m2·m-4·cd = m-2·cd

3. A Few Handy SI-to-English Conversions

Take the number of SI units and apply the conversion to get the number of English units. For example, 2 meters equals about 6.56 feet.

Millimeters to inchesmmx0.0393700787401575=in
Centimeters to inchescmx0.393700787401575=in
Meters to feetmx3.28083989501312=ft
Meters to yardsmx1.09361329833771=yds
Kilometers to mileskmx0.621371192237334=mi
Grams to ouncesgx0.0352739907229404=oz
Kilograms to poundskgx2.20462262184878=lbs
Celsius to Fahrenheit (°Cx9/5) + 32=°F
Newtons to Pounds Force: N x 0.224809024733489 = lbf
SI to English Conversions

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