Build a Webb Model
Build your own version of the Webb Space Telescope, learning the function and purpose of the various subsystems as you go. We have a variety of models ranging in levels of complexity from our easy to build model to some amazing modifications that extend our original model design and materials. When you get done, submit your model to our gallery!
BASic models
Level 1 and 2
Documented enhancements
Level 3
People of all ages, from all over the world have built and shared their Webb models. Here's a sample...
Start Here
Chose a model. Download the files. Check out examples in our gallery. Build it. Share it.
Submit Your Model!
If you've made a model of the James Webb Space Telescope, out of paper or anything else (we've even had one made of gingerbread cookies!), SHARE IT! If you are in the image, we'll need you to fill out a release form (linked below). In either case, tell us where you are from and a little bit about your model building experience. Email the images and information to GSFC-NASAWebb@mail.nasa.gov
Submission Form
Easy to Build Model
In this model you will build and assemble Webb in 3 sections that correspond to 3 major subsystems of Webb: 1) the combined Optical Telescope and Instruments Module which includes the mirrors and instruments, 2) the sunshield and 3) the spacecraft bus. You can learn about these elements on our observatory page and view them in 3d on our multimedia/3d Webb page. This model is appropriate for students in 4th - 6th grade though younger children have built it with help. It is easier to build than the other models on this page.
Level 1 Model Files and Instructions
Level 1 Model Files, Instructions, Related Links
LEVEL 1 "Easy To Build" Model - How to Video
Video Credit: Jenny Chan At Origami Tree
Our Original Model
This is our original paper model, designed by Nina Heimpel, at Swales Aerospace. It goes into more depth than our Level 1 model as you build more of the individual subsystems and from separate parts. This model is the starting point most people use to key off of for their own customizations (see level 3 models and our gallery for examples). Note that the design of the spacecraft changed slightly after this model was designed early in Webb's development. A momentum flap was added on the back and the solar panel array changed. See the Webb Observatory page for details on these subsystems. The model is approximately 1/80th scale.
Level 2 Files, Instructions and Related Links
Level 2 Model Files, Instructions, Related Links
Below are well documented enhancements to our Level 2 model in design and materials that you can build. Each contain new or additional parts files and instructions that enhance our Level 2 model as shown. Be sure to view our gallery (below) to see just how far some people have taken their models even beyond these enhancements!
John Jogerst Modification
This modification is based on our level 2 "original paper model" modified by John Jogerst. John's version has additional elements along with enhanced details and coloration of most parts and subsystems. There is both a new parts file (with some great information about each subsystem) and an accompanying instructions file downloadable below.
Level 3.1 Files, Instructions and Related Links
Level 3.1 Model Files, Instructions, Related Links
Tom Dani Modification
Tom Dani sent in photos of his gorgeous model. He says, "My model is similar to John Jogerst's version (and in fact it's based on his) but the assembly was modified and different materials were used during the build, such as copious amounts of aluminum foil and high-gloss, self-adhesive foils. It's also made with a curved, reflective mirror; angled heat shields and custom paint job." He also sent in an upgrade to John Jogerst's version, which will enable others to make the mirror concave.
Level 3.2 Files, Instructions and Related Links
Level 3.2 Model Files, Instructions, Related Links
Dave Dooling Modification
Dave Dooling, the Education Director of the New Mexico Museum of Space History has created a FOLDING MODEL of Webb that helps you to better understand it's design for launch and deployment. He also made a great video that explains not only how to build the model but how and why Webb folds and unfolds. He says it "helps kids understand how Webb deploys so they understand a bit more of why it is built the way it is". Some of the parts files and parts from previous models are employed in this model along with some innovative uses of common materials to create this level 3 enhanced foldable model.
Level 3.3 Files, Instructions and Related Links
Level 3.3 Model Files, Instructions, Related Links
Submitted Model Gallery
See examples of every level Webb model on this page as well as individual modifications and innovations built and shared by people of all ages from all over the world. Check out just how far some people have taken their models in size, detail, function and materials. Whether you are building our simplest model or an innovative version of your own, we'd love to see it.
The image below is a SLIDESHOW. Hover over the image to reveal the controls and see the image titles. Click the image to go to a Flickr detail page with more info and the ability to download the image at various resolutions (lower right down arrow). View the entire slideshow as a thumbnail gallery in new tab.
Webb Mirror Origami
For the James Webb Space Telescope <a href="https://science.nasa.gov/mission/webb/launch/#Launch-Advanced">to fit into a rocket, it must fold up</a>. Whether it is the <a href="https://science.nasa.gov/mission/webb/webbs-mirrors/#Webbs-Four-Mirrors">primary mirror</a> or the <a href="https://science.nasa.gov/mission/webb/webbs-sunshield/">sunshield</a>, many parts of Webb are designed to <a href="https://science.nasa.gov/mission/webb/launch/#Post-Launch-Deployment">deploy or unfold</a> once in space. This origami activity highlights the complexity and elegance of Webb's folding design.
View Activity
More Webb Creative Activities

The #jwstArt effort started with a group of selected artists ( from a wide variety of disciplines ) to capture their impressions of Webb as it was being built in the NASA/GSFC clean room. The the public was invited to do the same. See the AMAZING work submitted from artists around the world on the gallery section of this page.