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Twenty two artists were selected nationwide to attend the James Webb Space Telescope Artist Event at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. While Webb was under development in the NASA/GSFC cleanroom, they sat directly in front of the Webb telescope and were briefed on the mission by scientists, engineers and other project personnel while they worked; sketching, painting, writing, sewing, playing music. Their work was captured in a travelling art show and online gallery here and provided the seed for having the public submit their Webb inspired art. Instructions on how to submit your artwork and a gallery of over 500 submissions from people all over the world is included below.

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An Inside Look at NASA’s Webb Telescope Art Exhibit

 The Little Prince author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said, “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men…

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#jwstART Artist Event Gallery

The image below is a SLIDESHOW. Hover over the image to see the image title and controls. Click the image to go to a detail page with more info and the ability to download the image at various resolutions (click downward arrow in lower right corner).

Watercolor - Joanna Barnum

#jwstART – Submit YOUR Art!

Out of the above artists event grew the JWST PUBLIC ART movement with now over 500 submissions from all over the world and in a just about every conceivable media, style and content from paintings to tattoos, cookies to jewelry, poetry to songs and more. . The article below details how members of the public can get involved and submit their James Webb Space Telescope inspired artwork and possibly become part of this gallery.

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NASA Invites You to Create James Webb Space Telescope-inspired Art

How? Why? In November 2016, a small group of artists was selected to visit NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in…

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#jwstART – PUBLIC Art Gallery

The image below is a SLIDESHOW. Hover over the image to see the image title and controls. Click the image to go to a detail page with more info and the ability to download the image at various resolutions (click downward arrow in lower right corner).

#JWSTArt and #UnfoldTheUniverse Art  - by Patrick Champlin