Webb will not only be scientifically stunning but its design is visually and aesthetically inspiring as well. Learn about the structure of Webb while creating your own masterpiece.
Check Out These Fun Webb Coloring And Art Activities
Grab your crayons, colored pencils, or paints and download one of our many coloring templates below to start your masterpiece of the James Webb Space Telescope!
TEMPLATE: James Webb Space Telescope Launch
The James Webb Space Telescope launched from Europe’s Spaceport located near Kourou, French Guiana, on December 25, 2021.
Submit your artwork for this template and we may feature it here!
TEMPLATE: James Webb Space Telescope Deployment
Alone in the vastness of space, Webb began a two-week process to deploy its antennas, mirrors, and sunshield after December 25, 2021. This is an animation view of the beginning of the Webb deployment, the solar array deployment. The Earth is in the upper right.
A submission to our #JWSTArt social media campaign by Ivan Jair Teniza Gutierrez.
Ivan Jair Teniza Gutierrez
This coloring page was done by a primary school student from the north of Sweden. Their class is learning about space. Thanks to teacher Markus Krans for sending them in!
Credit: Swedish school kids
TEMPLATE: Color The Universe Featuring Webb
This template is from NASA's Color Your Universe Feature - Week 5 highlighting James Webb Space Telescope.
The image below is a SLIDESHOW. Hover over the image to see the image title. Click the image to go to a detail page with more info and the ability to download the image at various resolutions (lower right down arrow). View the entire slideshow as a thumbnail gallery in a new tab.
More Webb Creative Activities
#UnfoldTheUniverse Art Challenge
Show us what you believe the Webb telescope will reveal by creating art. You can draw, paint, sing, write, dance — the universe is the limit! Share it with the hashtag #UnfoldTheUniverse! See what others have submitted in the gallery!
The #jwstArt effort started with a group of selected artists ( from a wide variety of disciplines ) to capture their impressions of Webb as it was being built in the NASA/GSFC clean room. The the public was invited to do the same. See the AMAZING work submitted from artists around the world on the gallery section of this page.
Webb Space Pumpkin Carving
Carve your own James Webb Space Pumpkin! Choose from patterns and various levels of difficulty to create your own space pumpkin. Send us pictures of your work! See the amazing carving creations submitted by other Webb fans!
Build A Webb Model
Build a paper model (or something more extravagant) of the Webb Telescope or design your own and show us your work! See the amazing variations and creativity in design, materials and construction of Webb models submitted by Webb fans all over the world!
Coloring Webb
Grab your crayons, colored pencils, or paints and download these Webb coloring templates to create your own colorful version of the James Webb Space Telescope! Send us your creations and see what others have submitted in the gallery!
More Fun/Learning
Our full list of fun / learning activites and products.