Scientist Resources
The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) is the root site for all Webb Telescope Science and Observer information and data.
STScI Webb Science Site
Some Key STScI Resources
- Solar System Observation Fact Sheets
- Performance and Simulation tools (exposure time calculators, spectroscopy simulators, etc)
- Current Cycle and Past Proposal Opportunities
- Astronomer’s Proposal Tool
- James Webb Space Telescope Help Desk
What is Webb Observing Now?
- Visit the What is Webb Observing Tool
An Algorithm for Removing Correlated Read Noise from JWST NIRSpec Images
ABSTRACT: NSClean is an algorithm and associated python package for removing faint vertical banding and “picture frame noise” from JWST Near Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) images. NSClean uses known dark areas to fit a background model to each exposure in Fourier space. When the model is subtracted, it removes nearly all correlated noise. Compared to simpler strategies like subtracting the rolling median, NSClean is more thorough and uniform. NSClean is computationally undemanding, requiring only a few seconds to clean an image on a typical laptop.