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NASA Cross Divisional (NASA xD)


Earth | Satellites | Biology | Planetary | Astrophysics | Heliophysics

The NASA Cross Divisional Symposia are a series of talks aiming to share research across NASA’s divisions, revealing commonalities and laying the groundwork for future collaborations. NASA-XD will serve as a home for the community to advertise cross disciplinary science events as well as to host NASA-XD events.

Upcoming Events

Past Events

January 12th, 2023 at 4:00 PM: Our Dusty Universe with Dr Veerle Sterken

August 2, 2022: Conversation with David Epstein: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialist World
Author of “Range, Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World”
Presentation Recording (YouTube)

May 3, 2022: A Martian Visits the Solar Corona: A cross-divisional comparison of magnetic fields at Mars and the Sun Panelists: Dr. Gina DiBraccio, Dr. Aleida Higginson and Dr. Tristan Weber

What Would You Like to Hear About?

The NASA-XD team are committed to honoring all the cross divisional and disciplinary work that goes on in the creative NASA community and working together to find solutions that lay in the gaps. Email us at to suggest topics for discussion and to advertise your event or activity.

The point of contact for this event is Abigail Rymer, who may be reached at