Volunteer to be a Reviewer
Welcome to the volunteer reviewer page!
To increase the pool of un-conflicted reviewers we are seeking subject matter experts (SMEs) to engage in discussions at a virtual panel meeting or provide external reviews. While a significant time commitment, serving as a reviewer allows one to learn what’s new in the field, get first-hand experience with our review process, and network with colleagues. New researchers including post doctoral fellows and sometimes upper level graduate students are welcome. Just follow the links below to the volunteer review forms and indicate the fields in which you consider yourself to be a subject matter expert and click the boxes. If your expertise matches our program needs NASA will contact you to discuss potential review assignments. Qualified SMEs may, and are encouraged, to volunteer to one or more program reviewer call. If you volunteered in a prior year and were not invited or were invited but not available, please complete a new form(s).
Use the following the links to current program-specific volunteer review forms. NASA periodically updates this page to remove or add volunteer links.
Please direct questions or corrections on this page to SARA@nasa.gov.
- Cryospheric Science (ROSES A.16)
- The Science of PACE (ROSES A.36)
- Heliophysics Living With a Star Science (ROSES B.5)
- Heliophysics Technology and Instrument Development for Science (ROSES B.8)
- Heliophysics Early Career Investigator Program (ROSES B.14)
- Emerging Worlds (ROSES C.2)
- Solar System Workings (ROSES C.3)
- Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools (ROSES C.4)
- Exobiology (ROSES C.5)
- Solar System Observations (ROSES C.6)
- Mars Data Analysis Program (ROSES C.9)
- Discovery Data Analysis (ROSES C.11)
- Planetary Instrument Concepts for the Advancement of Solar System Observations (PICASSO) (ROSES C.12)
- Lucy in the L4 Trojans Participating Scientist Program (C.27)
- Biodiversity and Ecological Conservation - Researching Scale
- Mentoring Opportunities in STEM with Academic Institutions for Community Success (MOSAICS)
- The New Frontiers Data Analysis Program
- Physical Oceanography and Ocean Surface Topography Science Team