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Research Programs with No (Fixed) Due Date (NoDD) or Rolling Submissions

There are several program elements in ROSES that do not have a fixed due date. Proposals to these programs may be submitted at any time during the open period of ROSES, generally without any preliminary statement like a Notice of Intent or Step-1 proposal. Any such program will say that proposals may be submitted at any time in the program element text and in Tables 2 and 3 of ROSES. The NSPIRES page for these program elements will display a "Proposals Due" date, but that is simply the end date for the current ROSES solicitation, after which proposals may be submitted to the program element with the same name in the next ROSES cycle. Proposals should adhere to the requirements for the ROSES year under which they are proposed, which vary slightly between years. Most but not all of these program elements with no fixed due date are in the Planetary Science Division (Appendix C).

The Planetary Science Division held a virtual townhall meeting to discuss NoDD (and other topics) on January 21, 2021. Here is a link to the slides presented at that town hall meeting.

ROSES-2023 was the third year of the initial 3-year rollout of NoDD in Appendix C (Planetary Science). All programs that were NoDD in ROSES-2023, will continue to work in the NoDD paradigm for ROSES-2024, as the review of proposals submitted under ROSES_2023 will continue after the release of ROSES-2024. SMD's "ROSES" Research solicitation has long had several programs with no fixed due date: Rapid Response and Novel Research in Earth Science and Topical Workshops, Symposia, and Conferences. For all NoDD program elements, proposals may be submitted at any time without a preliminary statement such as a Notice of Intent or Step-1 proposal.

It is intended that NoDD’s flexibility in proposal submission will make it easier for individuals to balance their work and personal lives, and remove the pressure on AORs who had to submit so many proposals on the single due date. The list of "NoDD" programs in PSD appears below. These "NoDD" Programs will review proposals throughout the year with a cadence that will depend on the rate at which proposals are submitted. Proposals will be selected gradually over the course of the year with an eye on the total available budget (and with potentially judicious use of "selectable" status for proposals that are rated highly). All proposals that review well have an opportunity to be funded, regardless of submission date.

List of Planetary Science No Due Date (NoDD) Programs in ROSES 2024:

  • C.2 Emerging Worlds (EW),
  • C.3 Solar System Workings (SSW),
  • C.4 Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools (PDART),
  • C.5 Exobiology (ExoBio),
  • C.6 Solar System Observations (SSO),
  • C.12 Planetary Instrument Concepts for the Advancement of Solar System Observations (PICASSO),
  • C.16 Laboratory Analysis of Returned Samples (LARS) and
  • C.24 Here to Observe (H2O)

The planetary science division has long had restrictions on submission of "duplicate" proposals. Those rules have been updated to account for NoDD programs. PSD also has restrictions on "resubmissions" of proposals that apply to NoDD programs. Those proposing to No Due Date (NoDD) programs are very strongly encouraged to read the updated rules in Sections 2.4 and 3.2 of C.1 the Planetary Science Division Research Overview. See also the NoDD FAQ, below and on the NSPIRES page of any NoDD program.


Questions about specific NoDD programs should be directed to the point of contact for the program and more general questions about NoDD may be directed to Delia Santiago-Materese or Kathleen Vander Kaaden and please cc

This page was last updated in February 2024.