In the event that NSPIRES is down you will be directed to this page. If you have been directed here after hours from NSPIRES or on the weekend then rest assured that
- if you were unable to submit a proposal because NSPIRES was not accessible then you will be given ample opportunity to submit, and
- this page will be updated on the next working day. Contact information for the various mission directorates will appear below
ARMD: If you have questions about solicitations from NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate please contact Anil Nijhawan at nnijhawa@nasa.gov and cc NASA-roa@nasa.gov.
HEOMD: If you have questions about solicitations from the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate please contact Bradley Carpenter at bcarpenter@nasa.gov and cc Bruce Hather at bruce.hather-1@nasa.gov.
OE: If you have questions about solicitations from NASA’s Office of Education please contact Bev Girten at beverly.e.girten@nasa.gov and Lenell Allen at lenell.allen@nasa.gov.
SMD: If you have questions about solicitations from the Science Mission Directorate please contact Max Bernstein at max.bernstein@nasa.gov and cc Christina Richey at christina.r.richey@NASA.gov.
STMD: If you have questions about solicitations from the Space Technology Mission Directorate please contact Bonnie James bonnie.f.james@nasa.gov and cc hq-stmd-spacetech-reddi@mail.nasa.gov.