2 min read
Amendment 23: A.37 Earth Science Applications: Health and Air Quality Proposal Due Date Delay. Data Management Plans are part of the proposal PDF, evaluated as part of Merit.
ROSES A.37 Earth Science Applications: Health and Air Quality supports the use of Earth observations in air quality management and public health, particularly regarding infectious disease and environmental health issues. The area addresses issues of toxic and pathogenic exposure and health-related hazards and their effects for risk characterization and mitigation. The area promotes uses of Earth observing data and models regarding implementation of air quality standards, policy, and regulations for economic and human welfare. The Health and Air Quality Applications area also addresses risks and effects of climate change on public health and air quality to support managers and policy makers in their planning and preparations. The objectives of a proposed project must be to a) develop and prove the potential enhancements of an application of specific Earth observations to one or more decision-making activity and b) transfer and enable the adoption of this application by one or more specific end user organizations in a sustainable manner (i.e., without continued NASA financial support post-project).
The Health and Air Quality applications area website is available at https://appliedsciences.nasa.gov/programs/health-air-quality-program.
ROSES-2021 Amendment 23 delays the proposal due date for this program element. Proposals are now due June 30, 2021. Proposers are reminded that Data Management Plans (DMPs) are part of the proposal PDF and will be evaluated as part of Merit. Consistent with instructions in Section 1.1 of A.1 The Earth Science Research Overview and the ROSES DMP FAQ at https://science.nasa.gov/researchers/sara/faqs/dmp-faq-roses/, DMPs are to be placed in a section not to exceed two pages in length entitled “Data Management Plan” immediately following the references and citations for the S/T/M portion of the proposal. The two-page DMP section does not count against the page limit of the S/T/M section. Formatting requirements for DMPs are the same as for the S/T/M section.
On or about June 15, 2021, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2021” (NNH21ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at http://solicitation.nasaprs.com/ROSES2021.
Questions concerning ROSES A.37 Earth Science Applications: Health and Air Quality may be directed to John Haynes at jhaynes@nasa.gov.