Amendment 37: Space Weather Centers of Excellence Step-2 Due Date Delay to September 20, 2022.
B.22 Space Weather Centers of Excellence (SWxC) solicits proposals for multi-institution, multi-/inter-/trans- disciplinary collaborations (Centers) that address grand challenge goals of space weather that are ambitious in scope and transformative in nature as part of an integrated multi-agency initiative to advance the science and technology of space weather. This program is intended to support research that cannot be effectively done by individual investigators or small teams, instead requiring the synergistic, coordinated efforts of a research center. This SWxC program takes advantage of lessons learned from ongoing and past science centers, the growing body of information on team science, and a coordinated national effort to improve space weather capabilities and preparedness.
Amendment 37 announces that the Step-2 due date for B.22 SWxC has been delayed to September 20, 2022. Step-1 proposals were due June 21, 2022. Only proposers who already submitted a Step-1 proposal can submit a Step-2.
Comments and questions concerning B.22 SWxC or this amendment may be to Jesse Woodroffe at