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Amendment 52: B.9 Heliophysics Low Cost Access to Space Final Text and Due Dates.

B.9 Heliophysics Low Cost Access to Space (H-LCAS) supports investigations addressing NASA Heliophysics Science Goals using investigator-developed instrumentation that must be completed through suborbital flights. Proposals submitted to H-LCAS must:

  1. Address NASA Heliophysics Science Goals and Objectives
  2. Develop or enhance an instrument/sensor for flight;
  3. Suborbital flight is required to achieve investigation objectives;
  4. Data acquired from flight is reduced, analyzed, and interpreted in terms of investigation objectives;
  5. The reduced (calibrated) data is archived in a NASA on-line facility and the interpretation is published in professional journals;
  6. The investigation is completed within four years, typically three years for all but complex investigations;
  7. The Principal Investigator manages all the program resources (including schedule and cost) and no reserve is held by NASA.

Suborbital launch vehicle services include those provided by the NASA Sounding Rocket Program Office, the NASA Balloon Program Office, and NASA Airborne Science Program, as well as services provided by the Space Technology Mission Directorate commercial sub-orbital Flight Opportunities Program. The mandatory NOI and proposal must include a Payload Requirements Document.

ROSES-2022 Amendment 52 releases final text and due dates for this program element. The due date for mandatory NOIs is November 17, 2022, and the due date for proposals is January 12, 2023.

On or about September 23, 2022, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2022” (NNH22ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at

Questions concerning B.9 H-LCAS may be directed to Dan Moses at