Amendment 54: C.22 Concepts for Ocean Worlds Life Detection Technology Not Solicited This Year.

The goal of Concepts for Ocean worlds Life Detection Technology (COLDTech) is to support the development of spacecraft-based technology for surface and subsurface exploration of ocean worlds such as Europa and Enceladus to develop and reduce the technical risk of technology so that they may eventually be incorporated into future flight missions and/or proposed in response to future Announcements of Opportunity for these missions.

This Amendment announces that this program will not be solicited in ROSES-2022. It will be solicited no earlier than ROSES-2024.

On or about October 4, 2022, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2022" (NNH22ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at

Questions concerning C.22 COLDTech may be directed to Ryan Stephan,

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