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Amendment 65: A.28 Interdisciplinary Research in Earth Science Proposal Due Date Delay.

A.28 Interdisciplinary Research in Earth Science solicits research investigations will meet the following criteria: a) offer a fundamental advance to our understanding of the Earth system; b) be based on remote sensing data, especially satellite observations, but including suborbital sensors as appropriate; c) go beyond correlation of data sets and seek to understand the underlying causality of change through determination of the specific physical, chemical, and/or biological processes involved; d) be truly interdisciplinary in scope by involving traditionally disparate disciplines of the Earth sciences; and e) address at least one of these specific themes:

  • Analyzing the Nitrogen Cycle from Space: Integrating Atmospheric Observations and Biogeochemical Models ;
  • Ocean-Atmosphere Gas Exchange and Particle Deposition;
  • Wildfire Impacts on Ecosystems and Communities ;
  • Environmental and Climate Justice Using Earth Observations;
  • Processes Across the Land-Ocean Continuum;
  • Ocean Worlds: Research at the Interface;
  • Earth-Moon Connections in a Changing Climate.

ROSES-2022 Amendment 65 delays the proposal due date for this program element due to Hurricane Nicole. Proposals are now due November 23, 2022.

On or about November 14, 2022, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2022” (NNH22ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at

Questions concerning A.28 IDS may be directed to the main point of contact, Kathy Hibbard, at, or any of the Subelement points of contact listed at the end of the program element text.