Amendment 75: A.54 Earth Venture Suborbital Final Text and Due Dates
The overall objective of this fourth Earth Venture Suborbital (EVS-4) program element is to substantially advance Earth system science and NASA’s Earth science goals through science investigations involving sustained aircraft and/or other suborbital data acquisition campaigns. This overall objective can be met in several ways, including but not limited to:
- Acquiring measurements that address weaknesses in current Earth system models, leading to improvement in modeling capabilities and accuracy,
- Producing data sets that identify and characterize important phenomena and/or detecting and characterizing changes in the Earth system; and/or
- Making measurements that contribute to the scientific goals of multiple Earth science focus areas and/or disciplinary programs.
Below is a list of major changes described in greater detail in the text:
- This program element solicits solely the science concept; the team will be solicited subsequently, see Sections 1 and 2.
- Proposal submission to this program element will be via a 2-step proposal submission process, see Section 3.
- Step-2 Proposals include multiple mandatory separately uploaded components, but other traditional elements, such as a budget and a data management plan, are not required. See Section 3.2 for details.
- Step-2 Proposals submitted to this program element will be evaluated using Dual Anonymous Peer Review, so some parts of the proposals must be prepared in an anonymized manner, see Section 3.4.
ROSES-2022 Amendment 75 releases final text and due dates for EVS-4 which had previously been released as draft. Proposers are advised to read the final program element text carefully as there have been many changes between the draft and final text. Mandatory Step-1 Proposals are due February 28, 2023, and Step-2 Proposals are due April 27, 2023. Changes made between the draft and final text, will be enumerated in the responses to questions and comments from EVS4 draft under other documents on the NSPIRES page for this program element.
On or about December 13, 2022, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2022” (NNH22ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at and will appear on SARA’s ROSES blog at:
Questions concerning EVS-4 may be directed to Barry Lefer at and Melissa Yang Martin at