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Amendment 81: New Opportunity: D.19 Ultraviolet Transient Astronomy Satellite Participating Scientists Program

Ultraviolet Transient Astronomy Satellite Participating Scientists Program (D.19 ULTRASAT PSP) solicits proposals for U.S. based researchers to join the ULTRASAT science team as U.S. ULTRASAT Participating Scientists. Selected Participating Scientists will pursue science investigations related to ULTRASAT and will contribute to the mission by joining one or more topical ULTRASAT science working groups, where they will help develop, coordinate, and implement research plans for the corresponding science area. Successful proposals are expected to describe one or more specific research questions to be answered using the unique capabilities of ULTRASAT.

ROSES-2022 Amendment 81 releases text and due dates for a new opportunity: D.19 ULTRASAT PSP. Notices of intent are strongly encouraged by January 23, 2023, and proposals are due March 31, 2023.

This program element differs from and supersedes the default rules in the ROSES Summary of Solicitation and the Guidebook in a number of ways: 1) The S/T/M Section is limited to 6 pages 2) That 6-page limit includes references 3) No Data Management Plan is required for this element 4) No NSPIRES cover page budget is requested nor are budget details or justification part of the peer reviewed proposal documents. However, the normal separately uploaded "Total" budget file is required proposers requesting NASA funding.

This program will evaluate proposals using dual-anonymous peer review.

On or about December 23, 2022, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2022" (NNH22ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at

Questions concerning D.19 ULTRASAT PSP may be directed to Valerie Connaughton at and Sanaz Vahidinia at