Astrophysics (Appendix D) Inclusion Plan Text Update
Several Astrophysics ROSES-2022 program elements (D.3 APRA, D.7 SAT, D.12 TCAN, D.14 Roman Telescope Opportunities, D.15 LPS, and D.16 ADSPS) require an Inclusion Plan as part of the proposal. The Inclusion Plan language has been made uniform and consistent among all those Astrophysics elements that require an Inclusion Plan. On or about October 5, 2022, the inclusion plan language in D.3 APRA, D.7 SAT, D.12 TCAN, and D.15 LPS has been replaced in its entirety. Any ROSES-2022 program elements that are still TBD but that will require an inclusion plan (e.g., D.14 and D.16) will adopt this new standard language when final text is released. The essential components of the inclusion plan and the evaluation questions have not changed. The assessment of the Inclusion Plan will not be part of the adjectival rating for the proposal and will not inform the selection of proposals. However, funding will be released to selected institutions only once a satisfactory Inclusion Plan is approved by the selection official.