D.9 NuSTAR General Observer – Cycle 9 Clarification regarding eligibility and the People’s Republic of China
On or about December 8, 2022. D.9 NuSTAR General Observer – Cycle 9 has been clarified regarding eligibility and the People’s Republic of China: Proposals from PIs affiliated with organizations in the PRC are not eligible and will not be reviewed. See the text for detail. New text is in bold. The due dates remain unchanged. Phase-1 proposals are due by 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time January 26, 2023, via ARK/RPS.
Programmatic information may be obtained from the NuSTAR Program Scientist, Hashima Hasan, at hhasan@nasa.gov. Technical questions concerning this program element may be directed to the NuSTAR Mission Scientist Tod Strohmayer at tod.e.strohmayer@nasa.gov.