A.26 CYGNSS Competed Science Team Correction: Information about Science Team Meetings Added.
A.26 CYGNSS Competed Science Team solicits proposals for the use of the ocean and land data products from CYGNSS, either individually or together, for scientific investigations and end-user applications. Successful proposers will become members of the Competed CYGNSS Science Team. This program element consists of three topical subelements. First, Scientific Studies Leveraging the Full Time-Series of CYGNSS Observations (Section 2.1), targets studies that will enhance our understanding of the Earth System by leveraging the full temporal record of observations available from CYGNSS after nearly seven years on orbit. Second, Integrative Studies Leveraging CYGNSS Data (Section 2.2), seeks proposals that will leverage CYGNSS data in conjunction with other relevant NASA datasets to determine and exploit what new information CYGNSS can provide in the context of the larger NASA program of record. Third, Using CYGNSS to Better Understand the Earth System (Section 2.3), seeks studies that primarily leverage CYGNSS data to provide better understanding of Earth System processes and phenomena.
On or about December 22, 2023, information about Science Team Meetings has been added to A.26 CYGNSS Competed Science Team as Section 3.6. New text is in bold. The due date remains unchanged, proposals are due January 17, 2024.
Questions regarding A.26 CYGNSS Competed Science Team may be directed to Will McCarty at will.mccarty@nasa.gov.